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kushan dynasty capital

In 78 CE, he established the Shaka period, which is being used by the Indian government today. . The scholars in the court of Kanishka included. For the fictional video game race, see, A map of India in the 2nd century AD showing the extent of the Kushan Empire (in yellow) during the reign of. Kushan Empire - Ruler Vima Kadphises [AD 95-AD 127] The empire is located to the far east of the Holy See nations. At the height of the dynasty, the Kushans loosely ruled a territory that extended to the Aral Sea through present-day Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan into northern India. [62], Northward, in the 1st century AD, the Kujula Kadphises sent an army to the Tarim Basin to support the city-state of Kucha, which had been resisting the Chinese invasion of the region, but they retreated after minor encounters. License:CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlikeZoroastrianism. In retaliation, they marched on Ban Chao in 86 with a force of 70,000, but were defeated by a smaller Chinese force. Bhimarjuna Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/isl.2015.0036. [24][37] A specifically Tocharian origin of the Yuezhi is often suggested. A hundred years later the Kushan chief Kujula Kadphises (Qiu Jiuque) secured the political unification of the Yuezhi kingdom under himself. It is still unclear whether the Western Satraps were independent rulers or vassals of the Kushan Empire (30-375 CE). [55] The name Guishuang was adopted in the West and modified into Kushan to designate the confederation, although the Chinese continued to call them Yuezhi. Under the rule of the Kushans, northwest India and adjoining regions participated both in seagoing trade and in commerce along the Silk Road to China. Vima Takto (Ancient Chinese: Yangaozhen) is mentioned in the Rabatak inscription (another son, Sadashkana, is mentioned in an inscription of Senavarman, the King of Odi). This period dates approximately from 30-375 AD and is known best for various cultural influences. Masson, V. M. "The Forgotten Kushan Empire: New Discoveries at Zar-Tepe.". The Kushan Empire linked the seagoing trade of the Indian Ocean with the commerce of the Silk Road, via the Indus Valley, while providing security that encouraged travel across the Khunjerab Pass and facilitated the spread of Mahayana Buddhism to China. Kanishka III (c. 267 270)[t 4], GUPTA EMPIRE The Kushans were one of five branches of the Yuezhi confederation, an Indo-European nomadic people. Kushan Empire was a major ruling group of the post-Mauryan period. License:CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlikeYuezhi. Kushan coins had images of Kushan Kings, Buddha, and figures from the Indo-Aryan and Iranian pantheons. Its military combines large, well organized conventional forces with various supernatural creatures and human magic users. The Kushans adopted elements of the Hellenistic culture of Bactria. He ruled from 127 to 151 CE. East of the Punjab, the former eastern territories of the Kushans were controlled by the mighty Gupta Empire. Around 152 CE, the emperor Kanishka sent his armies north to capture territories in present-day western China, and south into modern central India. Heraios may have been the father of the first Kushan emperor Kujula Kadphises. Foucher, M. A. Kanishka was the most well-known Kushan emperor. These Western-looking stylistic signatures often include heavy drapery and curly hair,[114] representing a composite (the Greeks, for example, often possessed curly hair). Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). He was a worshipper of Siva. He expanded the Kushan Empire into the northwest of South Asia. Kanishka's era is now generally accepted to have begun in 127 on the basis of Harry Falk's ground-breaking research. They invaded India in the [] He calls himself a "tyrant" in Greek on his coins, and also exhibits skull deformation. Delegates to the . The Kushans ruled from first to second century AD, extending its reach to each and every corner of the valley. Cloudflare Ray ID: 767935b3b97b9231 During Kanishka's reign, the Kushan empire's capitals were Purushapura and Mathura. [citation needed], Vima Kadphises added to the Kushan territory by his conquests in Bactria. His empire included parts of present-day Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. License:CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlikeZeusSerapisOhrmazdWithWorshipperBactria3rdCenturyCE. Kanishka was the most powerful ruler of the Kushana Empire. Isvaradatta Hindko from Peshawar, which was the capital of Gandhara, came from Shuraseni prakrit a language spoken in Gandhara. The Kidarite seem to have been rather prosperous, although on a smaller scale than their Kushan predecessors. Datarvharna, KUSHANO-SASANIANS Kushan Dynasty Art The Kushan dynasty followed Asoka's Mauryan regime as an artistically vivid and powerful empire due to its prominent role in securing India's position within the wider Asian context. In 248 CE, they were defeated again by Persians, who deposed the western dynasty and replaced them with Persian vassals cities or kingdoms that forfeitedforeign policy independence, in exchange for full autonomy and, in some cases, formal tributeknown as the Indo-Sassanids, or Kushanshas. Kujula Kadphises was the first Yuezhi chief to lay the foundation of the Kushana Empire in India. [113], During the Kushan Empire, many images of Gandhara share a strong resemblance to the features of Greek, Syrian, Persian and Indian figures. Later, during the Yunch period (AD 114120), the Kushans sent a military force to install Chenpan, who had been a hostage among them, as king of Kashgar. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/ajp.2014.0046. The frigate is a simple design, basically the Assault Frigate with all the bulk around the central hull removed along with all the turrets. In other words, it was an Empire that derived its culture through the fusion of various other cultures. "[48], The earliest documented ruler, and the first one to proclaim himself as a Kushan ruler, was Heraios. [137], The Sasanians deposed the Western dynasty and replaced them with Persian vassals known as the Kushanshas (in Bactrian on their coinage: KAN A Koshano Shao)[138] also called Indo-Sasanians or Kushano-Sasanians. Kushan dynasty existed from 30 to 375 AD. [44][45] According to John M. Rosenfield, Turushka, Tukhra or Tukhra are variations of the word Tokhari in Indian writings. The conclusions of Kaniskha council were engraved on copper sheets and preserved in the stupa of the capital. Kushan dynasty, Kushan also spelled Kusana, ruling line descended from the Yuezhi, a people that ruled over most of the northern Indian subcontinent, Afghanistan, and parts of Central Asia during the first three centuries of the Common Era. The summer capital of the Kushan Empire in Begram has yielded a considerable amount of goods imported from the Roman Empirein particular, various types of glassware. 3, 2015, pp. Rudrasena III The Yuezhi were described in the Records of the Great Historian and the Book of Han as living in the grasslands of eastern Xinjiang and northwestern part of Gansu, in the northwest of modern-day China, until their King was beheaded by the Xiongnu () who were also at war with China, which eventually forced them to migrate west in 176160BC. Get hooked on history as this quiz sorts out the past. Vijayasena Simhasena 135 no. The art and culture of Gandhara, at the crossroads of the Kushan hegemony, developed the traditions of Greco-Buddhist art and are the best known expressions of Kushan influences to Westerners. [143] Still, the Buddhist art of Gandhara continued to flourish, and cities such as Sirsukh near Taxila were established. [101], Kushan worshipper with Pharro, Bactria, 3rd century AD. Conversely, the Rabatak inscription also claims Kushan dominion over Western Satrap territory (by mentioning Kushan control over the capital Ujjain) during the reign of Kanishka (c. 127-150 CE). These coins contained more than thirty different gods, belonging mainly to their own Iranian, as well as Greek and Indian worlds as well. [24][25][26][27][28][38] An Iranian, specifically Saka,[39] origin, also has some support among scholars. . [52] In these portrayals, the Yuezhis are shown with a majestic demeanour, whereas the Sakas are typically represented with side-whiskers, and more or less grotesque facial expressions. These conquests included parts of the northern central Iranian Plateau, once ruled by the Parthian Empire a major political and cultural power in ancient Iran and Iraq. And after Vasudeva, petty Kushan princes ruled for sometime in northwestern India after which the empire faded away. Following these interactions, cultural exchanges further increased, and Kushan Buddhist missionaries, such as Lokaksema, became active in the Chinese capital cities of Luoyang and sometimes Nanjing, where they particularly distinguished themselves by their translation work. It is revealed that the Kushan are not native to the desert planet, having actually arrived there from Hiigara after being sent into an exile by the Taiidan Empire. During Kanishka's reign, the language of the coinage changes to Bactrian (though it remained in Greek script for all kings). By the time of Vasudeva I, the Kushan dynasty had been totally assimilated in `Indian' culture, as reflected in his and his successor's coins. Under pressure from other tribes they moved eastwards. The Hou Hanshu says: "His son, Yangaozhen [probably Vema Tahk (tu) or, possibly, his brother Sadakaa], became king in his place. He also defeated the whole of the kingdoms of Puda [Paktiya] and Jibin [Kapisha and Gandhara]. Alternate titles: Kusana dynasty, Kushana dynasty. In, Harmatta, Jnos. [143], In the east around 350, Shapur II regained the upper hand against the Kushano-Sasanian Kingdom and took control of large territories in areas now known as Afghanistan and Pakistan, possibly as a consequence of the destruction of the Kushano-Sasanians by the Chionites. Samudragupta Epoch of Glory-The Kushan Dynasty. It was acknowledged as one of the four great Eurasian powers of its time (the others being China, Rome, and Parthia). It spread to encompass much of modern-day territory of, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, and northern India,[16][17][18] at least as far as Saketa and Sarnath near Varanasi (Benares), where inscriptions have been found dating to the era of the Kushan Emperor Kanishka the Great. * Map showing the Kushan empire with capital cities and current country boundaries. [123] One of the names for Kushan coins was Dinara, which ultimately came from the Roman name Denarius aureus. Rudradaman I [76], In the West, the Kushan state covered the Prata state of Balochistan, western Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan. [citation needed]. He was the most powerful ruler of the Kushan Empire. Rome: IsMEO (Istituto Italiano Per Il Medio Ed Estremo Oriente). They were the first recorded promoters of Hinayana and Mahayana scriptures in China, greatly contributing to the Silk Road transmission of Buddhism. The loose unity and comparative peace of such a vast expanse encouraged long-distance trade, brought Chinese silks to Rome, and created strings of flourishing urban centers. . Who was the greatest ruler of the Kushana dynasty where was his capital? [42] The five tribes constituting the Yuezhi are known in Chinese history as Xim (), Gushung (), Shungm (), Xdn (), and Dm (). The Kushana empire got much reduced in his rule. Rudrasena I, Huvishka (c. 151 c. 190)[t 4] The Kushan dynasty had diplomatic contacts with the Roman Empire, Sasanian Persia, the Aksumite Empire and the Han dynasty of China. [60] According to Chinese chronicles, the Kushans (referred to as Da Yuezhi in Chinese sources) requested, but were denied, a Han princess, even though they had sent presents to the Chinese court. He too was a patron of art and under his patronage Mathura school of art prospered. Territory under Chastana. [citation needed], One of the most recent list of rulers with dates is as follows:[148], Jayadaman In South Asia , Kushan emperors regularly used the dynastic name ("Koshano") on their coinage. The Kushan are a race that lived on Kharak. "King of Men: Ali ibn Abi Talib in Pamiri Folktales." Ban Gu's Book of Han tells us the Kushans (Kuei-shuang) divided up Bactria in 128BC. [122], The coinage of the Kushans was abundant and an important tool of propaganda in promoting each Kushan ruler. Who was the ruler of Kushan dynasty? Requested URL:, User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36. In particular he devoted time and effort early in his reign to the exertion of greater control over the city of Mathura. In, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Shapur I's inscription at the Ka'ba-ye Zartosht, Hestia, a Tabula Iliaca and Poseidon's trident, "Afghanistan: Central Asian and Sassanian Rule, ca. Jivadaman And a Bodhisattva was in this country the sole supreme ruler of the land; he was the illustrious Nagarjuna who dwelt in Sadarhadvana. [citation needed], According to Benjamin Rowland, the first expression of Kushan art appears at Khalchayan at the end of the 2nd century BC. Kanishka held areas of the Tarim Basin apparently corresponding to the ancient regions held by the Yeh-zhi, the possible ancestors of the Kushan. Ardashir I's son Shapur I continued the expansion of the empire, conquering Bactria and the western portion of the Kushan Empire, . They were divided into five branches and one of them was the Kushans. Provided by: He issued an extensive series of coins and inscriptions. Visvasimha, Miratakhma For a translation of the full text of the Rabatak inscription see: Seated Buddha with inscription starting with, Perkins, J. Corrections? Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. [121], Kanishka I:Buddha from Loriyan Tangai with inscription mentioning the "year 318" of the Yavana era (AD 143). [46] Yet, according to Wink, "nowadays no historian considers them to be Turkish-Mongoloid or 'Hun', although there is no doubt about their Central-Asian origin. After the capture of Pataliputra, he took away the Buddhist monk Ashvaghosha with him to Peshawar. Around 152 CE, Emperor Kanishka, a Buddhist, sent his armies north of the Karakoram Mountains to capture additional territories, and subsequently opened a direct road from Gandhara to China that remained under Kushan control for more than a century. Kushan Empire The Kushans (also Kushanas) belonged to the Yueh-chi tribe tribe who lived in Chinese Turkistan. [citation needed], Kujula issued an extensive series of coins and fathered at least two sons, Sadakaa (who is known from only two inscriptions, especially the Rabatak inscription, and apparently never ruled), and seemingly Vima Takto. They finally surpassed the other Yuezhi tribes in power. Several direct depictions of Kushans are known from Gandhara, where they are represented with a tunic, belt and trousers and play the role of devotees to the Buddha, as well as the Bodhisattva and future Buddha Maitreya. Chinese chronicles relate battles between the Kushans and the Chinese general Ban Chao. [69] The Yuezhi retreated and paid tribute to the Chinese Empire. Gradually wresting control of the area from the Scythian tribes, the Kushans expanded south into the region traditionally known as Gandhara (an area primarily in Pakistan's Pothowar and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region) and established twin capitals in Begram. [31] They played an important role in the spread of Buddhism to Central Asia and China. "The kings of the Bactrians sent supplicant ambassadors to him, to seek his friendship. the Kushans, as one of the five aristocratic tribes of the Yuezhi. At this time since the Nirvana of the blessed Sakya Simha in this terrestrial world one hundred fifty years, it is said, had elapsed. Located at: Under his rule, Kushana Empire extended from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan to. Begram and Mathura: Summer and winter capitals respectively of the Kushan Empire; Dharanikota near Amaravati and Pratishthnapura: Capitals of Satavahana Empire Scholars are said to have found many Buddhist scrolls that contained the Gandhari language. Turkmenistan was known for the Kushan Buddhist city of Merv. Disclaimer: All efforts have been made to make . The Kushano-Sasanians ultimately became very powerful under Hormizd I Kushanshah (277286) and rebelled against the Sasanian Empire, while continuing many aspects of the Kushan culture, visible in particular in their titulature and their coinage. There was Kushan influence on coinage in Kashgar, Yarkand, and Khotan. [citation needed]. There were 4 capitals for Kushans, one at Purushapura or Pushkalavati (near modern Peshawar) in North-West and the others at Taxila, Begram, which was the summer capital and Mathura, which was the winter capital. The Yuezhi reached the Hellenic kingdom of Greco-Bactria (in northern Afghanistan and Uzbekistan) around 135BC. His main capital was Peshawar, then known as Purushpura. Kaniska, also spelled Question: Who was the first ruler of Kushan . [66], The Rabatak inscription, discovered in 1993, confirms the account of the Hou Hanshu, Weile, and inscriptions dated early in the Kanishka era (incept probably AD 127), that large Kushan dominions expanded into the heartland of northern India in the early 2nd century AD. The Kushan Empire was at the center of trade relations between the Roman Empire and China: according to Alain Danilou, "for a time, the Kushana Empire was the centerpoint of the major civilizations". [52], The Chinese first referred to these people as the Yuezhi and said they established the Kushan Empire, although the relationship between the Yuezhi and the Kushans is still unclear. Who was the greatest ruler of the Kushana dynasty where was his capital? What was the first capital of Kushanas? [131], Some Kushan coins have an effigy of "Roma", suggesting a strong level of awareness and some level of diplomatic relations.[131]. Shapur II Sassanid king and "Kushanshah" (c. 350), Seleucid Empire: Seleucus I Antiochus I Antiochus II, 30375 AD empire in Central and South Asia, "Kushan" redirects here. Viradaman [15] Several inscriptions in Sanskrit in the Brahmi script, such as the Mathura inscription of the statue of Vima Kadphises, refer to the Kushan Emperor as , Ku--a ("Kushana"). The eastern Kushan kingdom was based in the Punjab. Refresh the page or contact the site owner to request access. [55], Rosenfield notes that archaeological evidence of a Kushan rule of long duration is present in an area stretching from Surkh Kotal, Begram, the summer capital of the Kushans, Peshawar, the capital under Kanishka I, Taxila, and Mathura, the winter capital of the Kushans. He defeated Tianzhu [North-western India] and installed Generals to supervise and lead it. Kanishka sent his armies north of the Karakoram mountains. Rudrasimha I Located at: [citation needed], The Kushans also had a summer capital in Bagram (then known as Kapisa), where the "Begram Treasure", comprising works of art from Greece to China, has been found. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. During his ascent to the throne, the Kushan Empire ruled Afghanistan, Gandhara, Sind, and Punjab. I, the Mazda-worshipping lord, Shapur, king of kings of Iran and An-Iran (I) am the Master of the Domain of Iran (rnahr) and possess the territory of Persis, Parthian Hindestan, the Domain of the Kushan up to the limits of Pakabur and up to Kash, Sughd, and Chachestan. However, there is no evidence to support this hypothesis. All the kingdoms call [their king] the Guishuang [Kushan] king, but the Han call them by their original name, Da Yuezhi. [citation needed], Kanishka is renowned in Buddhist tradition for having convened a great Buddhist council in Kashmir. The western Kushans in Afghanistan were soon conquered by the Persian Sassanid Empire. [80] Upon his accession, Kanishka ruled a huge territory (virtually all of northern India), south to Ujjain and Kundina and east beyond Pataliputra, according to the Rabatak inscription: In the year one, it has been proclaimed unto India, unto the whole realm of the governing class, including Koonadeano (Kaundiny, Kundina) and the city of Ozeno (Ozene, Ujjain) and the city of Zageda (Saketa) and the city of Kozambo (Kausambi) and the city of Palabotro (Pataliputra) and as far as the city of Ziri-tambo (Sri-Champa), whatever rulers and other important persons (they might have) he had submitted to (his) will, and he had submitted all India to (his) will. Chandragupta I 307323. On their coins they used Greek language legends combined with Pali legends (in the Kharoshthi script), until the first few years of the reign of Kanishka. [73] Coins of the Kushans are found in abundance as far as Bengal, and the ancient Bengali state of Samatata issued coins copied from the coinage of Kanishka I, although probably only as a result of commercial influence. [122], Vasudeva I:Hashtnagar Buddha and its piedestal, inscribed with "year 384" of the Yavana era (c. AD 209). In the 4th century, the Guptas, an Indian dynasty also pressed from the east. [143] In his inscription on the Allahabad pillar Samudragupta proclaims that the Dvaputra-Shhi-Shhnushhi (referring to the last Kushan rulers, being a deformation of the Kushan regnal titles Devaputra, Shao and Shaonanoshao: "Son of God, King, King of Kings") are now under his dominion, and that they were forced to "self-surrender, offering (their own) daughters in marriage and a request for the administration of their own districts and provinces".

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