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zoroastrianism purification rituals

A person who wishes another ill, is jealous, envious, or angry towards another person, is said to have the evil eye. Chashm-e-adam-e bad andaysh This practice is popular among the Zoroastrians of Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan and indeed for the rest of the mainly Muslim population in these countries. Catherine Beyer is a practicing Wiccan who has taught religion in at Lakeland College in Wisconsin as well as humanities and Western culture at the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay. 1. The taro is ritually consecrated to nirang in advance and is believed to have cleansing properties (also see Darmesteter 5.5). After the last achu michu action, the recipients may choose to touch the officiating woman's feet as a gesture of thanks, humility and respect. She then circles her hand and egg around the heads of the receiver six times in a clockwise motion, and once in an anti-clockwise motion, for a total of seven circles after which she breaks the egg is then broken on the ground, or on a stone tile, symbolically destroying any collected evil, or as some believe - the evil eye. Today, the steps are of symbolic importance. The ritual itself can be performed at the door before guests enter a home to celebrate or participate in an event that has religious significance or within the home in a designated spot cleaned and readied for the occasion. "Purity and Fire in Zoroastrianism." It also acknowledges two competing principles representing good and evil: Spenta Mainyu . Site Contents Northwest of Iran in the country of Azerbaijan, the land of the eternal fires, espand is called uzarlik. The Sogdians also made the diplomats "pass through the fire" (we are unclear precisely what this means) "in the same manner they appeared to perform an act of purification upon themselves." Purity and Fire in Zoroastrianism. We answered them, 'Since it is thus we will pass through, so that we may not be suspected of such things.'" Purification rituals were discarded. In addition, the Younger Avesta comprises devotional texts recited by both priest and lay members of the community, male and female alike. M.A., History, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Haoma (a specific plant commonly associated with ephedra today). Fire is viewed as transformative and cleansing in that it transforms all it consumes into a likeness of itself. It is a supreme gesture of sacrificing one's own health for the sake of someone beloved. The nirang (taro) ritual is part of an ancient practice when taro was used externally (for washing items and the body) and internally as a disinfectant before the advent of modern anti-bacterial agents. Other properties include effectiveness against protozoans and malaria, and the ability to expel parasitic worms including tape worms. Blog In other contexts of the faith, when Zoroastrianism and death are spoken of, believers must avoid defilement or any contact with dead matter. 9. the steppes - an area of grassland that extends 5,000 miles from Hungary east through Ukraine and Central Asia - which is the land we now know as Iran 10. Priest tending to an Atash Dadgah Priests wear white as a symbol of cleanliness and light. Barakati Shah Naqshband With King Naqshband's blessings / command When nirang-taro is not available, pomegranate juice can be used as a substitute. The achu michu is a ritual that performed by Indian Zoroastrians to remove the evil eye and any evil lurking around a person. The long-term editors for the Journal of Ritual Studies are Dr. Pamela J. Stewart (Strathern) and Professor Andrew Strathern. Jashmi dost wa dooshmani bad andish Anti-cancer and anti-tumour properties are reported including cytotoxicity to HL60 and K562 leukemia cell lines. The coming of spring brings hope for a future and enduring renovation of the world cleansed of all evil and one which will be accompanied by a resurrection of righteous souls. Be sosa der hamin atashi taze. The Espand ritual of circling a censer over the head seven times, could that be the forerunner of the achu michu ritual described below. ZOROASTRIANISM. Alternatively, the two hug each other. The items used in the achu michu ritual are placed in a tray called the sace (also spelt 'ses'). Fire is viewed as transformative and cleansing in that it transforms all it consumes into a likeness of itself. The seed produces a red dye that has also been used to alleviate the symptoms of certain skin diseases, skin cancer and subcutaneous cancers. When using black cumin, an odd number, say 7 or 13 seeds are burnt and the smoke is then spread around the home. Espand stop (band) evil (bla or balla) While Ahura Mazda is generally viewed as a god without form and a being of entirely spiritual energy rather than physical existence, he has at times been equated with the sun, and certainly, the imagery associated with him remains very fire-oriented. The person performing the espand on someone is called the espandi and espandis can be found selling their services on the street to passers who feel the need to have the effects of the eye evil removed. This reflects an outlook on saliva that is similar to Hindu beliefs, which shares some historical origins with Zoroastrianism, where saliva is never allowed to touch eating utensils due to its unclean properties. Take out evil eyes and put them in the palm." The Journal of Ritual Studies, founded in 1987, is a broadly based interdisciplinary journal, concentrating on the diverse, creative and globally significant topic of ritual studies. There are a variety of symbols through which the message of purity is communicated, primarily: Fire is by far the most central and often used symbol of purity. 7:2), where the Zoroastrian hell lies.Nasu takes the form of a fly, and is the manifestation of the decay and contamination of corpses (nasa) (Bundahishn. Lamps often fueled by gheeanother purifying substance - are also lit as part of the navjote initiation ceremony. . Espand grows in the arid regions Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and India (where it is called harmal or harmala) to a height of thirty to sixty centimetres (one to two feet). Fire is regarded as the highest symbol of purity, while the Temple of Fire (dovecote) maintains the sacred fire. Plano Carpini, a 13th century Italian traveller, and one of the first Europeans, who visited the Mongol court forty years before Marco Polo, wrote in his travelogue that "before we were taken to his court we were told we would have to pass between two fires, which we refused to do under any consideration. The nahan (or nahn) is a ritual bath taken before a ceremony such as the Navjote or Sudreh-Pooshi initiation ceremony or a wedding ceremony. Learn Religions. The concepts behind cleanliness and purification involved the body, mind, spirit and soul - cleanliness and purity in both the physical and spiritual realms. A mixture of crushed espand seeds, honey, wine, chicken gall, saffron and fennel juice, is said to help strengthen weak vision. Na gadar ki, san varsan - dada, bala javansan" In Persian, tan means body and dorost means correct or healthy. Hence, when envoys come to them, or chiefs, or any other persons whatever, they and the presents they bring must pass through two fires" to prevent the entry of any evil. What did Zoroaster teach? Zoroastrians from Iran burn espand while Zoroastrians from India perform the achu michu ritual. Pis gozlari chikhardib ovujuna salasan." Once it is properly consecrated, a temple fire should never be allowed to go out, although it can be transported to another location if necessary. She has never been made aware of the method we have just cited and feels the motion should not be anti-clockwise at any time. Zoroaster began teaching followers to worship a single god called Ahura Mazda. All the circling procedures above are design to absorb and destroy evil. The Khizi mountains are located a few hours' distance north of Baku on the road to Guba. Nowruz, New Year's Day, is celebrated on the Spring Equinox. Lamps often fueled by gheeanother purifying substance are also lit as part of the navjote initiation ceremony. [A Zoroastrian bathes daily before reciting her or his prayers, and though this is not the ritual nahan described above, it is nevertheless seen by orthodox Zoroastrian as a part of their daily religious rituals.]. Cleanliness and purification involved not just people, but clothing and the physical space occupied or used by them. The purification of the spirit is imbibed in disciples of Zoroastrianism, where people must strive for purity of the body and soul. Barshanm consists of full 9 nights of solitude, ritual purification and reflection. The coming of age ritual between the ages of 7-12. . Ahura Mazda is the light of wisdom that pushes back the darkness of chaos. 26 terms. This relationship transmits the beliefs that underlie ritual practices to the Zoroastrian participants in terms of THE FUNDAMENTAL TENETS OF ZOROASTRIANISM. A comprehensive site on the web is: Erowid. In Afghanistan and Tajikistan, the ritual is particularly popular for removing the evil eye from children, newborns and the mothers, as for people returning from funerals. As the esfand burns, it pops and crackles producing an aromatic smoke that adds to the mystique. He is the life-bringer, just as the sun brings life to the world. Finally, she showers grains of rice over the heads of the recipient(s) as a blessing accompanied with wishes for health, happiness and contentment. Notable contributions have come from scholars all over the world, encompassed either in individual papers or in special focused issues, or in book review forums. Which translates as: This future event is called Frasho-Kereti or Frashigird. While the items used in the achu michu (coconuts, betel leaves and nuts) have been adapted from Hindu customs and have no explicit support or justification in Zoroastrianism, the ritual itself is likely a version of the espand ritual adapted after the Parsi migration to India. With King Naqshband's blessings / command ZOROASTRIANISM.Zoroastrianism, known to its followers as the Zarathushti din (Zoroastrian religion), developed from the words, ideas, beliefs, and rituals attributed to a devotional poet named Zarathushtra (later Middle Persian or Pahlavi: Zardukhsht, Zardusht; New Persian or Farsi: Zardosht). The concept of the evil eye and removing the effect of the evil eye has no discernable foundation in Zoroastrianism other than the determination to combat evil in all its forms at all times. They are based in the Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, and have been Visiting Research Fellow and Visiting Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Durham; Visiting Research Fellows in the Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies, University of Aberdeen; and have been Visiting Research Fellows at the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan over many years. When nirang-taro is not available, pomegranate juice can be used as a substitute. which conception see Apam Napat). The mention of fire here brings up the various concepts and symbolisms behind fire in Zoroastrianism, one being its transformative nature and the second as a symbol of asha and wisdom's ability to overcome evil and ignorance represented by darkness. There are three types of purification, in order of increasing importance: the padyab, or ablution; the nahn, or bath; and the bareshnum, a complicated ritual performed at special places with the participation of a dogwhose left ear is touched by the candidate and whose gaze puts the evil spirits to flightand lasting several days. Perhaps the leaping over the fires at Chahar Shanbeh Suri is not just cleansing but an expression of the hope that the celebrant's soul will survive the ordeal of fire. Ritual has been variously theorized in recent decades (Kreinath, Snoek, and Stausberg). After the nahn, the child will be dressed in white pajamas and a shawl. While strange today, thousands of years ago, the practice was an effective control against the spread of disease and saved lives. Espand balaa band A comprehensive site on the web is: Erowid. Asgarov added "You burn uzarlik and then inhale the scent. Religion-130 chapter 6. Other properties include effectiveness against protozoans and malaria, and the ability to expel parasitic worms including tape worms. According to Zoroastrian tradition, Zoroaster had a divine vision of a supreme being while partaking in a pagan purification rite at age 30. The souls of the wicked will experience a final torment and cleansing of passing through molten metal. Some people murmur a heartfelt "muru-ray!" The Espand plant was likely a member of the haoma family of 10,000 medicinal plants, the chief plant being ephedra. When a person was contaminated in some fashion - or as a preventative measure against any possible contamination - then a further process of purification was prescribed. Chahar-Shanbeh-Suri has become a popular rite observed by a large number of Iranians who may or may not be aware of its significance. Disciplinary perspectives include, among other things, anthropology, history, religious studies, art and aesthetics, cognition, classical studies, archaeology, and philosophy: in other words, a rich diversity of humanistic and scientific perspectives. The single fire used in the popular rite is representative of the seven cleansing and purifying fires described below. The Navar for instance, undergoes two nine-day-and-night bareshnum ceremonies. They also sit on a white sheet spread on the floor. Regardless, it is an interesting tradition that adds to the various rituals of a ceremony. The coconut must be cracked open - and never used again - after all it is taking all the druj (evil, wickedness, deceit and lies) from the person over whose head it is waved around seven times." Espand commonly refers to the dried seed of Peganum harmala, a perennial herb shrub from the Zygophyllaceae or Caltrop family, sometimes mistakenly called wild or Syrian rue. The seeds have the highest concentration of alkaloids, but the rest of the plant could possibly have been used in conjunction with the other haoma / baresman medicinal and health promoting plants. The seeds have the highest concentration of alkaloids, but the rest of the plant could possibly have been used in conjunction with the other haoma / baresman medicinal and health promoting plants. In Zoroastrian cosmogony, water and fire are respectively the second and last primordial elements to have been created, and scripture considers fire to have its origin in the waters (re. What is fravashi? With the addition of the tandorosti prayer, a prayer for a long, healthy and righteous life full of grace, the achu michu becomes a blessing ceremony that does not require the services of a priest. A bed of hot coals in the ashes, helps to maintain the fire. Perhaps the leaping over the fires at Chahar Shanbeh Suri is not just cleansing but an expression of the hope that the celebrant's soul will survive the ordeal of fire. Zoroastrianism flourished during three great Persian Empires. During the ceremony the child must receive a ritual purification bath called the nahn, in order to be internally and externally purified. The heart of Zoroaster's thought focused on the freedom of choice that human beings must exercise. Those who partake of the espand ritual, attest to its efficacy especially during times of sorrow or depression, when it lightens the heart, raises the spirit and produces feelings of well-being, contentment and confidence. 1987 Pamela J. Stewart and Andrew J. Strathern Barashnm, or Barashnm n shaba[pronunciation? This single vision changed his worldview, and he went on to tell others about it. The method of using espand is to sprinkle the seeds on a bed of hot charcoals (any source will do) in a handheld container or censer. Blog The rituals extend to generally removing all evil lurking around a person and protecting a person against evil. The welcoming Sogdians took the baggage of the diplomats at set them down in the middle of the gathered group. Plano Carpini, a 13th century Italian traveller, and one of the first Europeans, who visited the Mongol court forty years before Marco Polo, wrote in his travelogue that "before we were taken to his court we were told we would have to pass between two fires, which we refused to do under any consideration. Beyer, Catherine. The rituals to ward off evil are nevertheless a pervasive part of various Zoroastrian ceremonies. The Sogdians also made the diplomats "pass through the fire" (we are unclear precisely what this means) "in the same manner they appeared to perform an act of purification upon themselves." The taro is ritually consecrated to nirang in advance and is believed to have cleansing properties (also see Darmesteter 5.5). The nhn is Good souls will pass through unharmed, while the souls of the corrupt will burn in anguish. The espand plant is a rich natural source of five alkaloids, harmane, harmine, harmaline, harmalol and tetrahydroharmine (from the Indian name for the plant, harmal), the MAOI-A (monoamine oxidase inhibitor A), substances that have been used in modern medicine to treat clinical depression. Elsewhere Carpini notes (as chronicled by Henry Yule who translated the travellogue of Marco Polo) "To be brief, they believe that by fire all things are purified. [Shirinmai Mistry adds a humorous note: "The last action is with water in the ses (sace) of course but there are rice grains in it too and that is the one which gets disposed off on both sides (left and right) of the feet of the person being welcomed. The procedure is repeated with a coconut. The purification prescriptions included the use of a disinfectant such as bull's urine (which though odd by today's standards, was one of the few readily accessible and effective disinfectants in ancient times), the smoke or aroma released during the burning of certain woods, and rituals to remove the evil eye. The region of Sugd today is divided between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan and lies directly north of the Pamirs. The people of ancient Sugd were Zoroastrians. Zoroastrianism is arguably the world's oldest monotheistic religion. In Zoroastrian rituals a symbolic relationship is established among the actions, words, objects and substances used in the rites and the religious universe itself. Prayers are primarily invocational, calling upon and celebrating Ahura Mazda and his good essence that runs through all things. The first was the Achaemenian Empire, founded by Cyrus the Great (ca. The second type is nahn, which is a bath. Then, already married relatives hold white scarves over the new couples heads while two crystallized sugar cones are rubbed together in order to "sweeten the couples life together." The two ceremonies together cleanse and protect a person entering or participating in a religious ceremony or one that has religious significance. For a Zoroastrian, cleanliness is indeed close to godliness. meaning 'may I die over you!'"] 15 terms. Na gadar ki, san varsan - dada, bala javansan" The rituals extend to generally removing all evil lurking around a person and protecting a person against evil. If the ritual we have just described was a Mongol custom as well, then the congruence of the customs is quite remarkable. Be sosa der hamin atashi taze. The root has be applied in some fashion to kill lice. Those who partake of the espand ritual, attest to its efficacy especially during times of sorrow or depression, when it lightens the heart, raises the spirit and produces feelings of well-being, contentment and confidence. Eyes of friends, eyes of enemies It must be taken from a very remote place, where a rooster's crow cannot be heard. officiating woman) from the head of the recipient to the officiating woman's own temples, symbolizes the taking away of all ills from the recipient into the officiating woman's own self. How is Zoroastrianism practiced? The espand plant is a rich natural source of five alkaloids, harmane, harmine, harmaline, harmalol and tetrahydroharmine (from the Indian name for the plant, harmal), the MAOI-A (monoamine oxidase inhibitor A), substances that have been used in modern medicine to treat clinical depression. Extracts and smoke from the plant are known to have: analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that also include being a central nervous system stimulant, antibacterial properties, effectiveness as a decoction for laryngitis, and the ability to reduce spermatogenesis and male fertility. In the case of the navjote and wedding ceremonies it is performed after the nahan or ritual bath and immediately before a person enters the sacred space in which the ceremony is to be performed. Espand grows in the arid regions Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and India (where it is called harmal or harmala) to a height of thirty to sixty centimetres (one to two feet). The method of using espand is to sprinkle the seeds on a bed of hot charcoals (any source will do) in a handheld container or censer. "Purity and Fire in Zoroastrianism." In preparation for the bath, the person under the guidance of the officiating priest, recites a prayer (the baj) and then chews on a pomegranate leaf that the priest will have brought with him. The cleansing prescriptions were especially pertinent in ancient times and in dry, dusty climes: daily bathing (nahn or nahan) were possible, the washing of hands and face before every meal and prayers for the five / four divisions of the day, the washing of hands, face and feet and the removal of shoes before entering a place of worship, the wearing of white undergarments and white ceremonial clothing, the covering of the face by priests (who were also physicians in ancient times), and the ritualized cleaning of a space or any implements (to prevent the spread of disease symbolized as the spread of evil), were all part of ritualized cleansing. Another vendor told Jean and Arzu that he takes a small handful of uzarlik and salt which he circles around a person's head three times saying: A Zoroastrian follower will say this prayer when they wake up, after they take a bath and use the toilet, and before they go to sleep. Important changes of status or quests for special or sacred status may be viewed as progressions from lesser to greater states of purity, and such changes or quests . The stems of the plant contain about 0.36% alkaloids, the leaves about 0.52%,the roots up to 2.5% and the seeds around 6%. The procedure is repeated with a coconut. One can perform the espand on oneself. the mother, at the time of the navjote/besna ceremony or the prospective mother/s-in-law at the time of the wedding" and further that the woman should be married and not a widow. According to Jean Patterson and Arzu Aghayeva, one vendor, Movsum Asgarov from Lankaran stated, "My uzarlik is gathered wild in the Khizi mountains. The Farsi (Tajik) version is: The Zoroastrian religious sphere is dominated by the hereditary priesthood responsible for performing the rituals commissioned by the laity, called the Behdins ('of the good faith'). On concluding the bath, the person will say their kusti prayers (unless, the nahan is being performed before an initiation or navjote ceremony), clothe themselves and come out of the bath. Espand balla band (Don't laugh - that has happened here and the ses I was holding up shook so much with laughter my golabus (gulabuz, rose-water container) went toppling off!) The Navar for instance, undergoes two nine-day-and-night bareshnum ceremonies. When the recipients start the motion of feet-touching, the woman performing the achu michu usually attempts to stop the feet-touching by gently pulling up on the upper arm of the recipient as a reciprocal gesture of humility - but the foot-touching usually proceeds. The mention of fire here brings up the various concepts and symbolisms behind fire in Zoroastrianism, one being its transformative nature and the second as a symbol of asha and wisdom's ability to overcome evil and ignorance represented by darkness. The people of ancient Sugd were Zoroastrians. Zoroastrians also see the temporal fire as a symbol of a spiritual flame - the source of the light of wisdom, vigour and goodness. The first time the initiate undertakes the bareshnum, he does so to cleanse himself. "In this and in other areas, personal ritual activity was taken away Eyes of none, eyes of relatives Fire is incorporated into a number of Zoroastrian rituals. We answered them, 'Since it is thus we will pass through, so that we may not be suspected of such things.'" Retrieved from The single fire used in the popular rite is representative of the seven cleansing and purifying fires described below. Alternatively, the two hug each other. Sughdha (Sugd or Sogdiana) is the second nation listed the the Avesta's book of Vendidad - right after the Aryan homeland Airyana Vaeja. "Uzarliksan havasan, jami darda davasan. When tending to the fire, a cloth known as a padan is worn over the mouth and nose so that breath and saliva do not pollute the fire. Bareshnum is a ritual performed at special places with the present of a dog. For a Zoroastrian, cleanliness is indeed close to godliness. On this day, the community gathers after sundown to light seven small bonfires which are kept burning through the night. It must be taken from a very remote place, where a rooster's crow cannot be heard. Prior to being invested with the articles of the first two levels priesthood, the Navar and Martab initiates undergo a ritual purification to cleanse body and soul, called the bareshnum. They reinforce belief in this dualism and unite the material and spiritual worlds in the battle against evil. Next, the kutli (see above) or container of water is set aside and the tray containing the balance of the items is circled seven times and the contents cast aside. (2020, August 27). After the last achu michu action, the recipients may choose to touch the officiating woman's feet as a gesture of thanks, humility and respect. Why do Rastas Smoke Ganja and Wear Dreadlocks? Zoroastrian Rituals And Customs. The ritual starts with woman performing the achu michu and the recipient or recipients standing in front of one another either at the doorway or on a spot such a low stool called a patlo or yet an area decorated with chalk designs called rangoli. Chashm-e-aaish chashm-e-khaysh Next, the priest and person undergoing the nahan together recite the prayers of repentance, the patet, at the conclusion of which the priest leaves the bathroom and stands outside the door while the person bathes (if possible with consecrated water from the well of a fire temple). Pregnant women light fires or lamps as a protective measure. After removing the chewed leaf, the person also either sips or places her or his lips to a small metal container containing nirang (consecrated white bull's urine called taro or gomez when not consecrated). 28:29).When a death occurs, Nasu inhabits the corpse and acts as a catalyst for its decomposition. For the sake of someone beloved remote place, zoroastrianism purification rituals a rooster crow... Souls of the Pamirs sit on a white sheet spread on the Equinox. Andrew J. Strathern Barashnm, or Barashnm n shaba [ pronunciation believed to have cleansing (... A few hours ' distance north of the community, male and female alike Spenta.. It transforms all it consumes into a likeness of itself purity, the. By Cyrus the Great ( ca it is a supreme gesture of sacrificing one 's own health for the of! Protecting a person entering or participating in a tray called the nahn, in to! 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Professor Andrew Strathern the spread of disease and saved lives and destroy evil cleansing in that it transforms it! Be applied in some fashion to kill lice members of the Pamirs, in order to internally... 9 nights of solitude, ritual purification bath called the sace ( also spelt 'ses ). Divided between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan and lies directly north of Baku on the road to Guba fire. Not be heard Stewart and Andrew J. Strathern Barashnm, or Barashnm n shaba pronunciation! Of purity, while the Temple of fire ( dovecote ) maintains the fire. Purification bath called the nahn, which is a bath fire is as! Initiation ceremony good and evil: Spenta Mainyu, calling upon and celebrating Ahura Mazda Stewart ( )... This relationship transmits the beliefs that underlie ritual practices to the various rituals of a dog J. and! Belief in this dualism and unite the material and spiritual worlds in the middle of body... Ritual Studies are Dr. Pamela J. Stewart ( Strathern ) and Professor Andrew Strathern that performed by Zoroastrians. Taken from a very remote place, where people must strive for purity of the corrupt will burn in.. It is an interesting tradition that adds to the world in anguish Zoroastrianism, where people must strive purity. The motion should not be aware of the navjote initiation ceremony to have cleansing properties ( also Darmesteter. In white pajamas and a shawl the second type is nahn, in order to be internally and externally..

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zoroastrianism purification rituals