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"the book of pleasure" pdf

The pleasure of idleness and persistent application, meeting people and being alone, music, creation, speaking and remaining silent, laughing, shitting, coupling, crying, pissing, shouting, caressing, licking, ejaculating, leaping on someone, and rolling about, tasting, sniffing, touching, coming together and pulling apart, are not survival pleasures but the pleasures of life as you like to live it when you do not need anyone or anything else to complete your happiness. Doesnt the old religious myth tell of divine beings who die in the flesh and are reborn in the spirit? There is no other way to be creative. Discover more of the authors books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more. Nevertheless, the need for movement persists, though surrounded by a growing pile of punctured illusions. In turning the tables and reversing perspective, the emancipation of pleasure takes itself as its only reference, refusing to be quantified, judged, compared to anything else or trapped. Now we can see that it grows in fits and starts, and reveals in that perpetual motion of exchange an increasingly absurd mechanism for turning the world upside down, as if an iron lung or a force pump were to draw out of the bodys sexual energy the work-energy to repress it. Commercial relations are responsible for every discomfort I feel. Instead it siphons life away and hardens off our bodies till they reach the condition of goods for sale. The imbecilic belief which sees suffering and the trials of life as an eternal defect is only belief in the eternality of business civilization. The old world which is sucking the air out of us is evidently at the same time the world of pure and dizzying heights. We dont share your credit card details with third-party sellers, and we dont sell your information to others. The intelligence born of the self-satisfaction of desire, cares not a hoot for that kind. People like that richly deserve retirement to the bitter pleasures the old worlds servants are given. Nagging guilt force-feeds most people compensations and packaged pleasure, so that it seems obvious that excess of passion exhausts and kills. The compartmentalisation of his inner world reproduces the fragmentation of society, and illusions about his power here lifts him to the heaven of consumer goods. Didnt lies and dares, bullying and fighting, teach us to sharpen our wits and focus our brains? That is gastronomy, the art of sophisticating peasant recipes, nature as invented by the economy, the stomach as paid for by thinkers. Its final solution to survival sickness hangs on an apocalyptic upheaval of the commodity system world-wide. Sex has hardly emerged from having to produce babies before it lines up to compete for bigger, better, longer orgasms. If you are awake to pleasure without limits, what price mother-country and frontiers, masters and slaves, gain and loss? The tactile gaze of intense pleasure meets only what is alive in people and things. I know what Im talking about. Her hand will instantly disown this loving temptation and complete its hygienic labour with mechanical dryness. But his increasing proletarianisation shows him really to be in Hell. The struggle against a hostile nature can now resolve into the help nature gives your pleasures as a gift, which is yours and rooted in life. Childhood, like individuality, was discovered by the bourgeoisie by chance. However at ease ideas may be in every head, they never leave powers orbit. Religion viewed all pleasure as sin, so in the heaven of trade, it was translated into the castrating aspect of the need to produce. They serve more or less inefficiently to caulk your leaking ship against frustration with conceit and gangrenous compensations. Moralitys repression of paedophilia lies sprawled on vacant lots, young families whiten with shock at children assaulted and raped. If this was The Book of the SubGenius I would find it amusing, but no. Slowly now, then faster, round me, round every individual in search of autonomy, whirls the collective life-forces shuttlecock, weaving the old worlds winding sheet. If money makes for happiness or unhappiness, it is only the happiness or unhappiness of commodities. INTENSE PLEASURE MEANS AN END TO GUILT AND TO EVERY KIND OF REPRESSIVE SOCIETY. And just as the fact of possession substitutes for intense pleasure, the laws protecting private property replace what you are not allowed to have with image ownership. But it is a sensible arrangement and a private affair, a family affair, a thing between partners, a frank exchange. The illusion born of blows intellect has dealt capitalism has had its day. But they merely project the disgust they feel at themselves towards others. Mother kills both the woman and the child. The naked materiality of business effectively opens everyones eyes, its crude mechanism operates openly, and each of its movements liberates a part of humanity which it anticipates recuperating at the following stage, in the contradictory and permanent progress towards its self-destruction. It was societys sinister curse which forced them to match their energies to the rhythms and wear and tear of machines. 1. The world of appearances is neurotic theatre. Its a clear pointer to cure for cardiac, genital, abdominal, urinary, cervical, respiratory, intestinal, even cellular disorders (the infamous cancer argument). Nothing satisfies me, and when your necessity presents itself as law, I feel only like overthrowing it. What is genius, familiar spirit and breath of inspiration? The stolid front of education and information will break up in irresistible fantasies as creativitys desires and affinities get to work dismembering it. If l give orders I join the intellectual workers, if I accept them I join the manual: I dont want to be a part of either. The domestic state we call the family turns the child into a little angel whose head is directed towards the sky, the peaks, the lite, towards thought and power. Iron Cthulhu ApocalypseDark Ambient: Two Thousand Years of Blight 2016 Nihil GoatReleased on: 2016-09-. It announces the end of the economic era and introduces universal self-management. Why should I not go right to the limit, why content myself with hasty interpretations, transferences, alibis? For spontaneity is innocence and can undo the past which is so horribly with us, where everything which kills is possible and everything which stimulates life is treated as mad. 0000010764 00000 n It has no truck with economics whether sexual or gastronomic, political, social, intellectual, linguistic or revolutionary it falls outside production norms. Nothing is passionately interesting if you are counting the pennies or feel forced to do it. The State maintains itself through its bureaucracy and considers itself in terms of bureaucracy, which is, in effect, the part of life it annexes, controls and governs. All power relations involve a contempt for self, a lack hastily compensated for, the inversion in which each of us sees himself from the outside. When the psychoanalysts declared the body ineluctably mysterious, the process of commodity exchange had not yet reached its fullest state of development. If I were to speak for others and let them speak for me, I would lose my life to the extent that I profited the language which makes me other, and drop the thread of my desires for the knot of their inversion which cannot be unravelled. Pleasure unstinted is the ultimate weapon of individual emancipation. Your hatred for trade masks a deeper loathing, which reaches you when you glimpse yourself in the mirror of absent life, more and more like that which you attack. How can a person open up to the healthy pounding of the will to live if he feels compelled to analyse himself and is terrified of finding himself, anxious and guilt-ridden and desperate to justify himself? We have only the eyes in our heads left. Yet it is becoming obvious that this perspective is now being reversed and the architects of topsy-turvy confounded. I do not wish to deprive myself of anything I cannot ever have enough. Rather it inclines one to idle and dream, caress, make love till you grow deaf to orders, insensible to fear, hungry for endless voluptuous pleasures. The book could be regarded the central text among his writings. Commodity totalitarianism propagates parthenogenetically, through the head. No holy shroud can hide from us the wound inflicted on life; everything we touch is spattered with blood from it. I no longer believe in the whip-lash effect of the hidden threat in happiness, the need to pay a deposit of defeat on love and insurrection. But for that reason do we have to go back to courtly love, flirting without fulfilment, or the china-doll syndrome? The child is the most stunted of innocents. And look sharp about it! Whatever represses pleasure will be destroyed by it. Under such circumstances, people separated from their will to live are effectively castrated. It also does not intend to destroy itself in its own movement. At the same time, it faces them with the old abstraction of the universal man which still governs them. It ought never to be stifled. Unable to add item to List. Sufficient unto itself. There is no love where exchange and constraint rule. Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming - Internet Archive How can generations of people assimilated en masse to a series of images refracted through the becoming of trade not end up gaining some sort of lucidity about alienation and the world upside-down? The more life decays, the more the market reckons on the scarcity of intense pleasure and multiplies the number of survival pleasures on offer; which, as they are sold and bought, turn instantly to constraint and work. They are only prompts or leading questions, police statements, accusations by the prosecution, or the defence lawyers panegyrics. Life is the unpardonable crime for which trading business exacts perpetual punishment. It is the same with every sickness, every somatisation, every dis-ease. If shrewd intelligence is gradually superseding brute force it still retains the rationale of the strongest, for it expressed the tyranny of exchange value . The function of the intellect is to detach intelligence from the desires of life and turn it against them. But while working for the expansion of that trade, the dominant class works also at its decline. The more you allow the language of the will to power to lock up the life impulse in rigid chest muscles, the more you find yourself overwhelmed by each rush of negative emotion, and the more you are subject to wear and tear in the exchange of contempt you experience at every encounter. Keep away, serious critics! % 48k^X0? HTO0>RWDBHVZ3$T0NtMRjw{E!A@ To turn your back on guilt, or to destroy it only partially, to exorcise it, encourages it to return and encrust more thickly. Staining glass, cuisine, distilling liqueurs or arranging flowers, telling stories and singing, relaxing and dreaming are creative pleasures; the imperative to produce has no scope for them. Far from showing blind behaviour they are waking a kind of indistinct attentiveness, an understanding of what stirs them up in their relationship with their mother. Since the system spreads by destroying its producers and thus by destroying itself, the problem is how to avoid becoming an accessory to trade. I do not hope the element of risk and upheaval, violence or temporary vexation inherent in radical change will lose its edge or disappear altogether. Barter is the starting point. On the contrary, from this congealed lump of inhibited and inverted desires I claim to set free the daemon of marvels who let himself be trapped there. Perhaps in pre-agrarian eras a primitive creativity existed, involving the whole body, simultaneous and social, channelling natural forces, and of which magic, alchemy, art and inventive deliriums are just memories. Item Weight : 3.84 ounces. Isnt this exactly what castration is? Does opinion run prisons and death-squads? Theyve blown out the fart of God rumbling in their bellies and struck a more decorous pose, as citizen, producer, thinker, militant, as responsible prole. I would ink in the towns of Prat Llobregat that were burning money one morning in 1932, the Catalan and Aragonese collectives trying out universal self-management from 1936 onwards, and the instances of refusing to pay which fresh innocence is multiplying everywhere. If the intellectual conduct of a revolution has always been expressed in military terms, and this according to an art of inducing men to be more efficient than they would otherwise have been, so individual terrorism also maintains the barrack-square mentality. Whats a book worth which does not say more than all the others? Any return to the past merely attempts to gild what is only there to hold a price-tag. Everywhere and always, the taboo on incest between mother and child forbids the intense pleasure of the foetal stage being prolonged, free with each other in their feelings after birth. In the street, on the very doorstep of your misgivings, individuals of the nascent autonomy are gradually emerging out of the poisoned fog of trade. The sensation of being caught like a rat in a trap is enough to set one seething with rage, the gnawing pangs of freedom skewered like a kebab on the prong of impotence. Having no true focus, he is deceived in his strength and attains a pure measure of pleasure from his body. Chapter 7. The key is within each of us. Pleasure has no frontier and I expect to be prepared against any attempts to limit it. The pleasure of draining it, gazing at it, holding it in my hand, is smeared with the sticky thumbprint of business. Tossed from the family into school, factory into State, from a group of friends into a political party, he embarks on his career among rulers or ruled and fluctuates up and down in the lift of social, financial, ideological and moral promotion. IF YOU WANT A CLASSLESS SOCIETY FREE YOURSELF. In the extreme abstraction which has laid hold of pleasure, the point of reversal is reached when the only language I aim to have always with me is that of intense pleasure, as if I had one of those wines which need to breathe and develop before being drunk. Some praise the idea of Faith. 5. Those we see as citizens, cogwheels of State, happily describe bureaucracy as an absurd excrescence, like a hernia which is curable if treated the right way, or as an utterly ridiculous means to avoid having to organise things better. But if what you are doing is satisfying your pleasure, you do not mind what I think about it. Treat your heart as a motor, your skin like coach-work, and you can evaluate your movements in terms of mechanical jigs. Lilith Sex Magick Binaural Beats can be used for meditation or for magical purposes through the act of sex magick. The age of candour and transparency will make us wish we still had the old forked tongue, the hypocrisy of puritan and revolutionary bureaucrat. In order mutually to appropriate each other and to measure each others affection for the other, people end up persuading themselves that their eyes are opened, that qualities offered are only on loan, that generosity is badly repaid, and that the attraction was in no way justified. That is why I do not intend to try to convince you: I do not care to add scorn to whatever contempt you already have for others. 2. I am capable of anything when I am not waiting for anything or obliged to do anything. The Book of Pleasure. Reviewed in the United States on June 20, 2020. 431 67 166KB Read more. Is there no such thing as innocence? : We no longer agree that solitude is the same as moral banishment, rejection by the community, a rupture of the social contract, being the black sheep and the scape-goat. However pleasing, this wine glass bears the mark of profitability cut into each of its seductive facets. We have lived through the becoming of trade, in a deathly dialectic which is precisely the history of the economy feeding on humanity, the history of an empire which grows and perishes to the exact extent that men produce it and submit to its power, thereby slowly reducing themselves to pure exchange values. Whatever defines or confines it, or causes it to specialise is precisely what relegates and inverts it: work, constraint, exchange, separation, guilt. It is, moreover, what the State has achieved through thought separated from life, nothing else. As general of an army of dustbins, you taint everything you touch with the stench of what has gone dead in you the smell of trade clinging to all circles of artistic exorcism. The Great Wall of goods-for-sale runs with cracks as far as it stretches out beyond life. From the child repressed at the age when he learns what secret urges smell like, when his nose is at the height of fly-buttons and the bottoms of shorts, we have retained something of the original liberty which developed our sense of smell. If you go armed with their language against them, you will in fact rally them, and you will be wed for better or worse in a common castration of desire. Business relations can be poisoned; so too can the will to live. The only reality which matters to me is this one, for it is the only one to create. Separation has mostly reduced pleasure to the role of intermediary, as a vehicle towards something else. 0000002260 00000 n White-coated torturers-psychiatrists, educators, the men who place the electrodes still take part in these grotesque ceremonies. Caught in the traumatising see-saw of loving demonstrativeness and hate-inspired stiffness, the child continues to suffer sweet caresses while neurotically reprimanded and repressed. You might think one moment of true happiness enough to blow this insubstantial haze away. In place of the old saw about women being punished in the organ where they had sinned, people are beginning to think that giving birth can correspond to the pleasure of complete discharge in a climax of sensory outpouring. Throw out mediation, begin your individual autonomy. In the midst of the sweetest pleasures we are still so conditioned to expect the handle flying back, the next ratchet where misfortunes wheel gets stuck, the next bill to pay, that the adventure already includes the unhappy ending to all acts of subversion. Freedom has no worse enemy than these cure-all panaceas which claim to transform society. Doesnt each of us dream of making what gives him intense pleasure the ordinary stuff of his everyday life? You need not doubt that it will spread in defiance of your laws, garbage which has never conceived of anything but infanticide. So one sees the family mutilate the impressionable intelligence of the child to set it to work, education and production. The scams best ally is the oppression which justifies it. Crises multiply, we no longer count the shocks, the old State and economic edifice reels. Guilty for not working, or for working, for being rich, being poor, having fun, not having fun, not bringing fun with you, for being successful, or failing to be, for living and for dying. You condemn class justice as though all justice did not involve class society. UNIVERSAL SELF-MANAGEMENT WILL SEE THE END OF INVERTED PLEASURE 1. Loves reason thumbs its nose at commodity rationale. The language of the family terrorises the whole of life. While the power-mad dog howls down all compromise and makes a radical ass of himself to hear the roar of fame, the frog in the revolutionary stoup swells with bile, eager to play the bull of theory on the common [champ libre french publishers of radical theory] of business. Ariadnes thread of desire always leads to childhood. In verbal cat-fights between prestige and interest you can have the last word but you cannot conceal that you are living your last life. Or any other archaic chastity? But this it undertakes only if it can escape a while. It sees intense pleasure only from the reverse angle of inability in enjoyment, impotence, it considers pleasures job as simply to be attractive and mask the absence of life. The mobster who worries endlessly how he might end up a tramp makes powers daily charade an unfailing source of laughs. . By reversing my perspective, I can distinguish between sound reasoning which ends up killing me, from my desire to live, reasoned or not. Otherwise when he sees those he treated with so much disdain not flinch but turn on him, he will give himself away. They utterly give up worrying whether other people think they smell saintly or sulphurous. Survival, going cheap these days in what is left of the exchange market, is the everyday production of misery, a totalitarian industry. One pleasure calls to another, and though one tires of an isolated amusement, a multitude of desires wakens a host of joyous satisfactions. I like you! To be allowed to breathe through the crack of a reputation one has to dance to the bureaucratic tempo. Later, in their infinite condescension, men credited women with a quality which they flattered themselves they had lost: intuition, a mysterious ear which picks up the occult vibration of things, communications which the economic criteria of language evidently consider under-developed. From that point on, with all the force of unreality, he has to ensure that he does not bungle his death if he is to strike a pose for history. The law of the strongest and fittest ruling the world has not changed: it has simply evolved, like work, exchange and guilt, and become intellectualised. Societies highly permeated by business no longer allow people to compensate for lack of life by lynching, massacring minorities, official racism, or the glorification and desecration of a leader. The book was first published in June 1st 2007 and the latest edition of the book was published in December 28th . Why should you put up with me if you cannot stand yourselves? May your desires wipe out whatever lies remain here, and efface the grand inquisitor from your brain. soon love will exist only in your heads, lost everywhere else. That is how the abstract individual is born: out of the concretisation of commercialism, swept along by the currents of the time, and progressively excreted into materialism. It is not important, I do not want to know. Desire once mobile will bring about strange mutations: for though lovers swear undying vows that cannot be bought and sold there is quite a variety of forms that love can take, as they are finding out; and individual architecture will be quick to rise upon the ruins of buildings which were paid for. Far from showing a victory for life, the statistics of appeasement graph the progress of anaemia where a lessening of aggression expresses a lowered will-to-live pressure in the veins, and the passion for destruction gently simmers down into a predilection for sexual passion, enshrined forever for the wrong reasons. Yearning for intense pleasure may become generally acceptable as psychosomatic ideology spreads. Can you hear it, all you greengrocers, the word in the street, warning you: If you ask him to pay, hell smash the shop? But then the free fall into gratuity is part of working-class tradition. At the heart of all religions, this sin of origin has been gradually stripped bare by economic imperialism; we can now gaze at its raw flesh: life, which power has not managed to ingest and dissolve, absolutely free unfettered pleasure. Free action by individuals is waiting for the chance to clear the way for universal free activity. An Apprenticeship or The Book of Pleasures by Clarice Lispector - Goodreads What do I care for a glance which is stolen and returned, which is posed, weighed and sold, which measures and compares, hunts for distraction, is exchanged? Ignite the magical fire of Luciferian Gnosis to explore the masks of Lucifer and his 11 most inspiring god-forms in this Left Hand Path grimoire. There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists. The pleasure of putting your arms round someone and tangling amourously twists into the act of possessing a long-coveted object. The castles of autonomy will manage to bring down the authority of the State in ruins. You reject proof in favour of misery. And in the tumult of pleasure who knows whose hand excites whose skin, whose lips, whose sex? We have all thought fit until now to treat ourselves with cures worse than the hurt, because we chose not the will to live as our foundation but what weakened it. Joy breaks down separation, duty and exchange, and summons a world into existence through touch and feeling, music and scent. With attractive ease as the most natural thing in the world, our common desire for autonomy will bring us together to stop paying, working, following orders, giving up what we want, growing old, feeling shame or familiarity with fear. The profitability of people and things, and the false contemplative freedom which goes with it, is opposed by the life in rock and plant and people slowly coming together, which power knows nothing of. But the insurrectional myths of Prometheus and Lucifer also stem from the intellect. If one is to judge by peoples ordinary behaviour, these ancient reflexes are hardly less obvious among those who decry them the loudest. Only my pleasures penetrate my shelter, where l am free of constraint, and exist only for myself, to the delight of whatever attracts me. The hangman you need for the job is never far away. We are going to harry the intellectual function till it has not a leg to stand on, strip it of its self-critical stance which is its alibi, and bring it to its knees at the door of what is beyond words, so it can cry out only Whos there? That cry will encompass its destruction. You do not pay for happiness; you tear it from the society selling it. They rub shoulders with the prosecution extolling the virtues of sin, preaching the duties of refusal, awarding certificates for radicalism, and denouncing the prevailing misery. Competitive bidding pares them down to boney profit-earning and production. The Book of Pleasure (self-love) - Austin Osman Spare - Hermetic You reverse the perspective of power by returning to pleasure the energies stolen by work and constraint. That radiant motion I want to pursue into sleep, the moment when the body dissolves the landscape into multiple dreams which we are now learning and are you aware of it to prolong consciously upon waking up. Try again. Judges and judged, what is your place in all this? Time was when I blamed others for the guilt I felt.

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"the book of pleasure" pdf