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commentary on lois and eunice

Timothy may then have accepted Christianity through the womens influence. The reason I have come to this conclusion is because 2 Timothy 3:10-12 speaks of all the things that Timothy carefully followed in Paul's life. All the hard labors of motherhood had paid off. They were such wonderful girls, but we needed another, so we got our first Ragdoll, named him Timothy! These two raised a son and grandson in faith that God could and would use him to carry on Gods word. In this five-session study you will discover that the Bible teaches by examples that handing on the . "Eunice" is a Greek name that means "conquering well.". Lois is the beginning of a sincere faith in God that was seen in her daughter and then in her grandson. It was a faith that Paul says was passed on from Timothy's mother, Eunice, and from Timothy's grandmother, Lois. Timothy's mother was Jewish but a believer, his dad was Greek (AKA unbeliever). "Eunice and Lois: Passing Down the Faith" Eunice, a Mom with Faith Acts 16:1-5 / 2 Timothy 1:5; 3:14-15; Tribute Today to Veronica As a Friend, and Member of the Methodist Church of New Zealand Te Haahi Weteriana O Aoteoaroa; Copies of Bible Study Class Charts 10 Mar 15; Lois and Eunice: Women of Godly Influence; Acts Part 2 For What difference does that viewpoint make? He calls all of us to do the same thing. And even then, Timothy would have had to have sat separated from the rest of the Jews during their worship. These teachings were instilled in Timothy probably from birth, as the Israelites had been commanded to do in Deuteronomy 6:7 and that is repeat them to your children. The only way these Old Testament scrolls could have been instilled in Timothy was if his mother and grandmother had them instilled in each of them. Lois and Eunice Timothy was a young convert of Paul's. He lived in Lystra, which is located in modern Turkey. The Holy Scriptures were an atmosphere in which our children swam. Interestingly, even though there are other grandmothers in Scripture the term grandmother is only used in connection to Lois. So reproof should be backed up by Scripture. That was the sign of the covenant. And that Timothy had a good reputation that lived up to his name can be seen in Acts 16:2 where it says years later that "He was well spoken of by the brethren who were in Lystra and Iconium." Timothys grandmother Lois is not mentioned in Acts but she is named with Eunice in 2 Timothy 1:5. Lois and Eunice gave the world an infectious servant-leader in their rearing of Timothy, a homegrown disciple. Pray for them as they raise children of their own. Timothy's grandmother, Lois, and his mother Eunice received accolades from the Apostle Paul on their rearing of his protg and future pastor, young Timothy. But as for you, continue in whatyou have learned and firmly believed,knowing those from whom youlearned, and that from childhoodyou have known the sacredScriptures, which are able toinstruct you for salvationthrough faith in Christ Jesus.2 Timothy 3:14, 15. He is also the same Timothy that Paul is addressing in 1st and 2nd Timothy. eunice. That newly created spirit can also rebel against God's law that it hears. Trust God's Word and you will use it constantly. Today, what will you do to instill faith in your own children? So how can we reconcile this with the previous data points, which clearly show that Eunice lived out her faith from the time that Timothy was born and before? We do after all want our children to put their faith in God, not us. The doctrine of depravity has huge implications for our families. With no Christian father or grandfather, it would have been very difficult for Lois to pass on the faith to Eunice and for Eunice to pass on the faith to Timothy. . face-to-face bible study series. It is also unlikely that Lois and Eunice had access to scrolls of scripture (as depicted in the illustration above). Opt-In | 31 Days of Women Lesson 24 | Eunice & Lois, Opt-in | Jesus Christ: Yesterday, Today, and Forever SWP, Opt-In | 31 Days of Women Lesson 13 | Jezebel and Athaliah, Opt-in | 3 Steps to More Quiet Time for Study and Prayer, Jacob (Israel) Moves to Egypt: Making it Simple: Lesson Twenty, Judahs Unrighteousness and the Lord Blesses Joseph in Egypt Making it Simple Lesson Seventeen, To Be a Handmaid of the Lord Women of the Lords church, Check out 31 Days of Women from Scripture premier post for links to all of the lessons. It is because of Timothy's faith that we have the letters the Apostle Paul wrote to him. Pam Forster's book, Instruction in Righteousness, while it has its limits and has some things you may not agree with, is full of Scriptural teachings related to every sin and every righteous habit we want to instill in our children. Timothy was mainly working with Paul's team and learning the ropes of ministry. Genuine faith produces a genuine Christian. Despite not being supported spiritually by her husband, Eunice was able to instill in Timothy a great faith and respect for the scriptures (2 Tim. That Greek word is a rare word only used by Paul in the New Testament, and it too emphasizes that this faith was an active faith that took up residence in them. It's hard to be more than a good mom and a good dad. 8/8/2021. Eunice was a highly popular name in the Greek world, perhaps due to the root of her name which means victory (Greek "nike") and God aptly named her because she was able to overcome her fear of the Jewish leaders and Roman authorities to raise Timothy up in the faith; the very same faith that dwelt in his grandmother and mother. Hi Marg, thanks for highlighting this family. IMAGINE: Your son or grandson becoming a world-renowned evangelist for over 2,000 years. Second Timothy 1:5 says, "I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well" (ESV). This is especially important in our day of gender confusion. [What a metaphor! What you saw outwardly was what was present inwardly. Hi Don, We really only know one thing about Timothys father, which is that he was a Greek, a Gentile. 1:2, 18; cf. But back to the painting: The easy-going nature of the dad can also be seen by Timothy's name. Your email address will not be published. She shows that gentle and quiet spirit we see in 1 Peter 3:1-6. They didn't have much fellowship with fellow-believers until Paul came along. Second, make your faith real to everday living. As with Anna, we are not given many words about Eunice and Lois, but we learn much about them. ( 2 Timothy 1:5 ). Lois and Eunice. Both she and Lois made sure to teach Timothy scripture from a young age, training him to be a man of God. These women, together, enabled Timothy to become a man of God who was equipped to face his own challenges, including the challenge of heterodox and deceptive teaching in Ephesus (2 Tim. It isn't to be lightly esteemed or taken for granted. Then he came to Derbe and Lystra. As an aside, Cohen notes, Paul thinks that either a Christian father or a Christian mother could consecrate the children to Christ (1 Cor. He writes, "I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first . Lois and Eunice apparently instilled the Old Testament scrolls in Timothy. What that father did was being a good dad in the eyes of many Americans. "Then he came to Derbe and Lystra. Paul is acknowledging that this is where Timothy's faith was learned. Eunice is Timothys mother. 1. I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. 2 Timothy 1:5 CSB, When Paul returned to Lystra a couple of years later, this time with Silas, he saw Timothy excelling as a Christian disciple, perhaps more evidence of his mothers and grandmothers influence. It says. The illustration is found in The Bible in Picture and Stories by Louise Houghton (New York: American Tract Society, 1899), 228. Its obvious that the family was close knit. But behind the success of Timothy's life, and his desire to be a follower of God and have a godly character, we see his mother, Eunice, and his grandmother, Lois. Paul commends Timothy for h. But first, let's introduce you to the family. How did Eunice and Lois influence Timothy at a young age? It is unlikely Timothys father would have known the Torah, the Jewish sacred scriptures. Those are going to be more transformational reproofs. The stamp of a Biblical dad's loving guidance is seen throughout the week. So dads, have an active faith; be more than a good dad. Bible Study Features: In order to become a (full) Jew, Timothy would need to go through the conversion process to become a Jew including circumcision; then he would have all the rights and responsibilities of being a Jew, including entry into more areas of the temple. As we talked about earlier, the two words in 2 Timothy 1:5 show that this faith pulsed through their lives continually. We simply don't know. Regardless of the circumstances, Eunice held strong to her faith. These two women are only known by their relationship to their son and grandson Timothy, but what an amazing relationship it was. In 2 Timothy 1:5, the Paul writes: " I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also." These women were responsible for passing their faith on to the next generation. Timothy was not circumcised. Lockyer's All the Women of the Bible - Eunice. In todays episode of All Gods Women we look at Eunice and Lois, mother and grandmother of Timothy. In previous lessons, like Sarah and Jezebel, legacy was a theme that was seen. This is a very important point to note in why covenant succession happened. I went to my room and felt under my bed for the daddy doll. [2] Eunice () contains the wordnik () which means victory with the prefix eu () which typically gives the sense of well or good. So Eunice means good victory or simply victorious. Heres my stupid story!! Today, what will you do to instill faith in your own children? Lois and Eunice, Servants of God. (H. D. M. Spence, M. "[1] Well, if he started elder-apprenticeship at the minimum age of 25 in Acts 16, that would make him almost 40 when 1 Timothy was written (and 40 when 2 Timothy was written), and at the time of 1 Timothy he would still fit the word . by Robert Bugbee. Since Paul mentions these two ladies by name it is assumed he knew them personally. Eunice was a strong woman of faith, not deterred by obstacles. There is power in investing spiritual truths to infants and above. It was only sugar water, but he sat on a small chair and said it was delicious. Are you ready to spend a little time focusing on prayer? What a joy this would have been for two Old Covenant saints who had looked forward to the coming of the Messiah for so long, and then had discovered that he had already come, and then to see their son serving their Messiah as an ambassador. Paul healed a life long cripple at Lystra and the population from that point on considered him and Barnabas pagan gods come down from heaven in the form of men. It takes a lot of study, and sacrifice, and prayer, and time. Lois was either Eunice's mother or mother-in-law, and Eunice was a Jewish believer who was married to a Greek man. He writes, "I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first . Lois and Eunice may have been loving but strict with their rearing of Timothy. In 2 Timothy 1:5, the Paul writes: " I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also." These women were responsible for passing their faith on to the next generation. Lois and Eunice were Jews, but Eunice married a Greek. The next key word is "for correction." "Women of the Bible: Lois and Eunice" is the second sermon in a series exploring some of the great people of faith in the Bible. Perhaps the Jews in Lystra were especially pedantic about which baby boys could be circumcised, and it wasnt enough to have a devout and ethnically Jewish mother and a God-fearer for a father. 7:14). THE ELECT LADY. In a letter Paul later wrote to Timothy, the apostle alludes to Lois and Eunice, as well as to himself, as those who taught Timothy. Having said this, it doesnt seem to have been an impediment for Paul. The day of Christian faith. . The only thing he seems to have put his foot down against was circumcision. Their knowledge of the Old Testament scrolls appears to have prepared them to accept Pauls deliverance of the Gospel and quickly accepted Jesus as the long, awaited Messiah. When I found him, I dusted him off and put him on my bed. Eunice became a believer in Christ, but the implication of Acts 16:1 is that her Greek husband did not. As grandparents, we may find ourselves pondering our impact on our children and grandchildren. This is derived from the name Nike, the Greek goddess of victory. Qualified for Every Good Work (2 Timothy 2:2; 3:16-17), What Timothy Knew About Pauls Theology of Ministry, and 1 Timothy 2:12, Timothy and Epaphroditus Philippians 2:19-30, Beauty, Marriage, Motherhood, and Ministry, King Lemuels Mother: The Other Proverbs 31 Woman,, Common Misconceptions about Christian Egalitarianism, A note on everything I ever did (John 4:29). Case Study: Eunice and Lois | 2 Timothy 1:5; 3:14-17 I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and I am persuaded, now lives in you also. Parents, do not deny your children the time to be taught be with their grandparents. Lystra seems to have been the first location the Apostle Paul reached out to the Gentiles with the Gospel without going to the Jewish population first. Parents, do not deny your children the time to be taught be with their grandparents. And it's OK to tell your kids that you don't know. Obviously those two positions come from two different assumptions - both of which may be wrong. Forget about your mistakes in the past and press on for the future. Were first introduced to Eunice in Acts 16:1, although shes only referenced as a certain woman and not by name. In 2 Timothy, Paul is writing to Timothy, his protg. Because of their knowledge of Scripture, they were receptive to the Good News of Jesus as Messiah. Third, Lois decided to display God's maternal character. Scrolls were prohibitively expensive, and books had yet to be invented. Statistics show a huge payoff. Thanks for visiting! Just want to point out that Timothys father could have been a Gentile God-fearer, this seems much more likely to me than a pagan Gentile. 4:12). Pray for them as they struggle to make life altering decisions. I have been chastised for carrying out discipline and teaching Godly ways to my children in the past. The remembrance of that earlier vibrant faith filled him with joy. A child who grows up with a parent who takes seriously the things of God, has instilled in them a faith that will last their lifetime. This was not unusual. That was one of things that Bruce Ray's book, Withhold Not Correction was so strong on - teaching parents how to make reproofs biblical reproofs. I believe that in the first weeks in a fetus' life before the brain even exists, the mind of the newly created spirit of the child can think clearly without the limits of the physical brain. That was Paul, near the end of . Like. 12:1-2). Lord, for moms of little ones who are running around and weary with no time for themselves, remind them that what theyre doing matters. If youve ever read the genealogyof the Israelite kings, you may have seen names of kings with wicked fathers and godly mothers who went on to become godly kings based on the influence of their mothers. And the problem is even worse. Paul honours both Lois and Eunice, acknowledging that they had been Timothys teachers. What is very important is what we can learn from these two very special ladies. They, more importantly, acted upon them producing more for the Kingdom of God than they ever knew or could have imagined. Unknown. This would have been perhaps even more difficult for Eunice, trying to raise a godly son while married to a nonbeliever. Acts 16, beginning to read at verse 1. Paul wanted Timothy to go with him; so he took him and circumcisedhim because of the Jews who were in those places, since they all knew that his father was a Greek. But if he is contrasting her with her Greek husband, which is entirely possible, faithful Jewish woman may be the intended meaning. Barnabas, they reconciled to be Zeus the supreme ruler of the gods, as well as lord of the sky and rain. 6 Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. Disciplining our children should always be accompanied by Scriptural reproof. This was not unusual. And behold, a certain disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a certain Jewish woman . But there are other Scriptures that say that a fetus knows a lot. The sages taught that God-fearers had a share in the age to come so it was not seen as a horrible situation to be in. He had already been a disciple for quite some time. The second Greek word is , the word that is translated as "dwelt in." Try to make the time to be more than a good dad. But if only the mother is a believer, this likelihood is dramatically reduced to fifteen percent.[2]. He never did anything I didnt know his leaving would hurt so much. Paul may have truly acted in the place of the father when he had Timothy circumcised. Barnes Notes on the New Testament says, "In these circumstances, the apostle seems to have resolved . Lesson: Give it to God 5-Day Prayer Challenge Holiday Edition Day Two Challenge Welcome to Day Two! And given the disgust that the Greeks had over circumcision in that day, it is understandable. . Regarding Act 16:1-4: [W]as Timothy a Jew with a gentile father or a gentile with a Jewish mother? Acts 16 tells us that she was a Jewish believer. Then he went on to Derbe and Lystra,where there was a disciple nameTimothy, the son of a believing Jewishwoman, but his father was a Greek.Acts 16:1. Scripture is silent concerning any other information about these two women. He opened the jar of pickles when nobody else could. Lois and her daughter Eunice were one of the early Christian converts. Many studies have demonstrated that the statistics are against this. Lystra is one of these cities in the Roman province of Galicia. When you compare Acts 16 with 2 Timothy 1 it becomes clear that Eunice was a strong believer before Timothy was born - and since we hold to a later date for his birth, he was born in approximately AD 25. In the second section of his paper, Cohen discusses what the Mishnah says on this subject. That word indicates to me that Timothy had begun to follow Paul's teaching in Antioch (that's Acts 13), and when he left there, in Iconium, and then in Lystra. 7:14). p.28. This is showing the "put ons" or the positive ways in which our children should go. But let's take a few minutes to consider it. The process in which a brain develops does not even start until around week 5, but it isn't until week 6 or 7 that the neural tube closes and the brain separates into three parts. I never knew what to do with the daddy doll, so I had him say, Im going off to work now, and threw him under the bed. There was no church to help out a Eunice or Lois and encourage them. Its not supposed to be complicated. (That is, it cannot be dated before the first and second centuries CE.). The husband of Lois is not mentioned indicating the probability he was of Greek origin. Lois and Eunice - ABDA. Lois and Eunice are models, not because Timothy turned out so well, but because they ministered so faithfully. Timothy's dad was an Emra Bombeck kind of good dad. 31 Days of Women from Scripture; Day Eight; Lessons from Rahab.

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commentary on lois and eunice