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equestria at war bronzehill

Bronzekreuz Special thanks to Feitanakin who did a magnificent work for the new models! Leaders from left to right are; Kimball, Lucky, Rufus, Gunhild, Ernst, Karl, Grover VI, Rosey, Clara, Winston, Ignasius, Barnabey and Clement. The mountains contain vast wealth and resources that have helped Bronzehill and Griffenhiem grow, however this has often come at the exploitation of many hounds and the recent economic downturn after the collapse of the Empire has ushered in a new wave of poverty and economic stagnation. The young griffoness read any books she could get her talons on, and touring the countryside became as important to her as her studies. Little of Aquileia's history before the 8th century is known, beyond it being one of the oldest civilizations on the continent, existing long before the birth of the Griffonian Empire. The second party is the communist Partie Aquileian Travailleurs (Aquileilan Workers Party) It is split into two factions. She is brash, competitive and very talented, being the only pegasus capable of creating a Sonic Rainboom. With the Imperial Capital to the south, Strawberry Duchy to the west, and The Sunstriker Clan to the north, as well as The knights of Hellquil to the east, the threat of the tyrannical Diamond Mountain and its allies in the River Coalition seems far away. The Dual Monarchy was restored even as Equestria faced new challenges, including increasing tensions with the Buffalo Tribes and the escape of chaotic demigod Discord. The years of stability and protection have resulted in Bronzehill having little military power to speak of, with an ethos of stern pacifism taken up by a populace which still remembers the lingering pains felt at the paw of Diamond Mountain soldiers during the great trek and before. PAT-M (Partie des Aquileian Travailleurs - Modr). Country Tag: If the player has chosen only peaceful options in the events prompted during the path, then she will always succeed in resisting Nightmare Moon. Race: After the failed attempt of Griffonstone to stand by itself, we instead move to the County of Bronzehill. Better Than Canon: How some of the actual bronies that play this feel about the mod. The Equestrian Army begins with 99.50k deployed ponies, including 1 half-strength Light Tank division, 1 40% strength Light Tank division, 1 30% strength Pegasus division, 2 capable (but only at 20% strength) Onhooves divisions, and 16 poorly trained and equipped Royal Guard and Garrison divisions who pose little to no value when it comes to frontline combat. ~ Artist MingRaine. Equestria When the player takes a focus involving influencing the state of revolutionaries/monarchists in one of Aquileia's vassal states ( Pridea, Rila, Vinovia, and Westkeep), a corresponding decision screen showing the state of the revolutionaries in that vassal state will be unlocked. Their achievements in defeating Discord, King Sombra, Lord Tirek and other terrors have become legendary. As a determined warrior, he advocates relentless and decisive attacks to crush the resistance of the enemy. It is no secret that Grover V's health is beginning to falter, and in the event of his premature death, there would be conflict over the regency of his son, the future Grover VI. During his rule he has been a competent administrator and a beloved defender of Bronzehill and the Emperor, however his policies on supporting Griffon industry over Bronzehill's own has led to the formation of several communist organisations in Bronzehill. See the Solar Empire page for further information on playing as the Solar Empire. Her own talent is almost unsurpassed, and she has many ideas about improving our doctrine of aerial warfare. View submissions made for community contests! Other notable focuses are Acadmie Royale Des Sciences which will give you a Research Slot, Rgiments de Mage which will unlock the support Mage Company, also The Beginnings of an Army and Grande Arme which will give you increased Recruitable Population. Each event has an aggressive, semi-aggressive and peaceful option. It is said that the only beings the emperor can trust are the dogs of Bronzehill. Capital: History fell into myth, myth spun into legends. Several years ago she earned a rocktorate in rock science and is an unparalleled expert on rocks. 50.15M. The two central branches are internally focused and will see you expanding the power on the crown, centralizing religious, administrative and monetary powers on Aquileia as well as extracting more resources from your puppets. View submissions made for community contests! Equestria appears to be a modern paradise, but can it last? The Second Aquileian Revolution is the first major political event in any Aquileia playthrough. Thorough Planner Twilight, now Alicorn and Princess of Friendship, leads the Elements of Harmony. Princess Twilight Sparkle is an alicorn, the Element of Magic, and the Princess of Friendship. Cookies help us deliver our services. I've rendered all the flags on my Equestria at War flag map and some more. There are also Thestrals (also referred to as Batponies), who are night-dwelling cousins to the Pegasi, and are occasionally considered the fourth equine race. Ideology: A complete list of music and images used in the mod is in the credits.txt file. Canterlot Dedicated to the life as an officer, with ambitions to match. The recent campaign to welcome the Fourth Tribe into Equestria has changed this, and Princess Luna has now assumed a complementary role alongside her sister, working to realise the dreams of her subjects. Each GIF contains 81 frames and is 48x48px in size and there are 153 flags (preview GIF doesn't have all of them, GIMP couldn't handle over 7000 layers) in total, which the full list as follows: - Abyssinia Country Tag: Equestria has a variety of political and industrial focuses available to it. 2K Views. It'll give you war goals over all of the territory of the Herzland. Commando Career Officer The Fall of the Crystal Empire and The Long Peace, The Return of Nightmare Moon and the New Princesses. In 980, in the wake of the Griffonian Revolution, griffons disgruntled with the ruling Discret dynasty, which had recently declared its independence from the crumbling Empire, launched an uprising aimed at ousting the king from power. Fancy Pants is a renowned member of the old Canterlot elite aristocracy, a shrewd businesspony and a clever diplomat. The peace-loving nation of ponies now finds itself in a new world with foes not only at their borders but among their numbers as well. The issue will have to be addressed in some form, lest the whole nation ends up in the ownership of foreigners. BRZ Some managed to escape to various foreign countries, including Equestria. When he was five years old, he travelled to the Imperial City to see Grover Vs coronation and was enamoured by the splendour. Separated by distance and already overextended, Equestria declined to provide substantial assistance. Though not necessarily the most humble politician, Blueblood knows how, when, and what to say what the public wants to hear, knows what the public wants, and has the intellect to carry out their will efficiently. The Herzland puppet will be released, though Aquileia will keep the initial cores of the Grand Duchy of Feathisia and Greifenmarschen. If the player manages to make their faction's support a majority in all four vassal states, then the revolution/counterrevolution will be immediately completed, averting the war and immediately progressing the player to the next phase of their focus tree. Life under the Republic largely improved as famine gradually decreased and the economy stabilised. In 971 ALB, Wingbardy became the first nation to officially secede from the Empire, beginning the empire's collapse. If Luna gives in, Nightmare Moon overtakes her and the Lunar Empire forms. With change came strife. Since then the hounds of Bronzehill have become fiercely loyal to the Griffonian Emperors, serving faithfully and diligently as guards and advisors to the imperial dynasty. The tech Aquileia possesses is also weak, barely having anything more than the regular infantry, support equipment and artillery, along with the earliest planes possible. A twisted unicorn of shadow, Sombra, rose in the Crystal Empire, overthrowing the Amore dynasty and enslaving the populace. Vivienne and Rodier's political paths can unlock Aquilisation decisions to convert non-Aquileian parts of Griffonia into the Aquileian culture and core these territories. This leader has proven to be a quick learner. To the surprise of many, it succeeded, and for five years, Aquileia was a republic under the leadership of Thodore Vrany. Magitech, steam power, and electricity transformed pastoral villages into bustling cities and the printing press made literacy possible for the masses. A natural with Tanks and Mechanized forces. - Griffonian Republic's Task Ahead national spirit is now 50% stronger. Since then the County of Bronzehill has grown and prospered as a loyal subject of The Empire. The first one is an urban-based, liberal Front des Jeunes Aquileia (Young Aquileia Front) headed by a veteran of the first revolution, Thodore Vrany. Can only be activated if the game rule is turned on. The Grover dynasty has accepted them with open claws, and while they are fierce defenders of the Emperor, they prefer to solve their issues with a peaceful and logical method. Note: Mayor Mare and Ember Spark can only be selected if Equestria becomes a Republic, while Prince Blueblood and Ledd Metal can only be chosen if Equestria becomes a Constitutional Monarchy. This section partially intersects with the Industrial tree, and the shipyard development focuses on the left side require taking some of the Industrial focuses to be unlocked. Our Wizards are hard at work writing or updating this article. Little of Aquileia's history before the 8th century is known, beyond it being one of the oldest civilizations on the continent, existing long before the birth of the Griffonian Empire. The Occupation Authorities aim to punish the core of the Empire eternally, while the Reconstruction Authorities are planned to eventually become independent countries free . Through this branch you will be able to annex Skyfall and slowly Aquilinise the newly conquered territories, changing the name of the cities and states themselves. Without her magic, her friends soon abandoned her and joined the School for Gifted Unicorns. They cannot imagine anyone else leading them. Biography: Born far from the kingdom her family ruled, Vivienne Discret's first memories were not of the royal halls of the palace in Aquileia, but of the warm white walls of the Saddle Arabian emir's court. He's Flam The scenario focuses on global confrontation between Changelings and Equestria. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Aquileia would soon rejoin the Griffonian Empire and the rebellion was over. Non-Aligned This Admiral has a knack for giving the right quote to the right person. In recognition of their protection, Celestia permanently entrusted the Elements to Twilight Sparkle and her friends. With dark clouds looming, the hounds of Bronzehill are anxious for what the future might hold. Skilled Staffer After winning the war for the Herzland and taking the decision Proclaim the Empire's Defeat, the post-Herzland focus tree will be loaded. Giselda's diplomatic skills would help Grover II secure his reign but it would earn the eternal ire of Aquileia on the Grover dynasty. Biography: Winston Copperhill is first child of Lord Rover Copperhill and a member of the prestigious Copperhill family. It is available after one of the following: > 50% World Tension; a major justifying war or currently in an aggressive war against Equestria; a civil war > 20% surrender Progress > 40% War Support Flash Magnus is a legendary member of the Cloudsdale Royal Legion and a Pillar of Old Equestria who only recently returned from Limbo. The Aquileian Focus Tree consists of four trees at game start: the mutually exclusive monarchist and republican political trees (The Second Reign of Terror and Fight For Your Freedom! Horse Always Wins (Horse victory over Equestria) Return of Griffonain Feudalism (Eichburg) Rise of the Herzland Principality. Bronzehill can integrate Diamond mountain in their focus tree I think. Having tricked his soldiers and impressed him with his combative personality, the Storm King offered her the vacant position of second-in-command. Fixed Bronzehill game rules. Spitfire, the captain of the Wonderbolts, relies on Fast Clip to keep the training right on schedule and ensure training days run smoothly and efficiently. But Princess Luna, given responsibility for the night, grew lonely and resentful as ponies shunned the night, preferring to play and work in the light of her sister's day. ~ Artist ErinLiona. Either way, the death of an Emperor is always a traumatic event for the dogs of Bronzehill and will cause severe distress among its citizens. She has an angry, commanding persona, but is also very protective of her younger siblings. Want to speed things up? Talented Coordinator Ever since the three tribes fled the Windigoes from the north, they have called Equestria their home. It is rumoured he is in a romantic relationship with the famed supermodel Fleur de Lis, but he claims they are purely platonic friends. One of Equestria's foremost experts on trenches, Thunderbolt Sentinel knows how to hold the line. But his stubbornness and oratory talent have kept him at the forefront of politics. In 792 the dogs of Bronzehill's ancestors came as refugees fleeing the oppressive rule of Diamond mountain, making the arduous trek seeking freedom from their enslavement. Stability: 2.5%. Former Rank: Major, Emperor's Own Bronzekreuz Hussars. The Equestrian Navy is respectable, notably including 37 ships, which include 5 Battleships, 3 Battlecruisers, 1 Heavy Cruiser, 3 Light Cruisers, 24 Destroyers, and 1 Aircraft Carrier. - Stalliongrad now joins Equestria's faction during the Great War and leaves afterwards. a major justifying war or currently in an aggressive war against Equestria. For example: event eaw_superevents.5 - this will trigger "The Great War" super event. Description. The agency was originally dissolved when a bugbear managed to escape from Tartarus, but has now been re-established in these uncertain times. Equestria starts as a continental superpower, with a large industrial base, a decent army, some of the best tech in the game (second only possibly to Stalliongrad ), and two puppets (Crystal Empire and the Commonwealth of New Mareland). Equestria can only guarantee Yaks after Jaks have been dealt with. Aquileia was established as a Kingdom by King Gerad Discret. Biography: Count Ignatius has ruled Bronzehill since the death of his father Count Georgie in 997. For 1 year:+30% Industrial Research Time-10% Construction Speed-10% Factory Output-10% Dockyard Output-1 Civilian Factory-1 Military Factory, -6.00% Base War SupportFor 1 year:+20% Land Doctrine Research Time+0.02 Daily Harmony Support-0.10 Daily Political Power, -200 Political PowerFor 1 year:+0.03 Daily Harmony Support-0.05 Daily Political Power, For 1 year:+18% Industrial Research Time-6% Construction Speed-6% Factory Output-6% Dockyard Output-1 Civilian Factory, -4.00% Base War SupportFor 1 year:+12% Land Doctrine Research Time+0.01 Daily Harmony Support-0.06 Daily Political Power, -120 Political PowerFor 1 year:+0.02 Daily Harmony Support-0.03 Daily Political Power. By annexing its vassals, Aquileia can quickly become an industrial power, reaching 34 factories without additional buildings being built. However it is rumoured she has some confidence issues which she hides from others. Since then the County of Bronzehill has grown and prospered as a loyal subject of The Empire. With the Imperial Capital to the south, Strawberry Duchy to the west, and The Sunstriker Clan to the north, as well as The knights of Hellquil to the east, the threat of the tyrannical Diamond Mountain and its allies in the River Coalition seems far away. The rightmost branch focuses on the rest of the continent and will give you a series of decisions that will see you declare war on most of Griffonia (the exceptions being New Mareland, the Dread League and the Arcturian Order). While they are still loyal to the Emperor, there are many who now recognize that powerful griffons have been exploiting them. Or will this be the end of Harmony for the ponies? He's Flim Celestia and Luna soon realized their destinies were to wield control over the Sun and Moon respectively. Integrate the Loyalists will have you attempt to peacefully annex the vassals which remained loyal to you during the Revolution, however, it is possible for them to refuse annexation and declare war on you. In 792, Emperor Grover II granted the Bronze Mountains to a group of ex-slaves fleeing Diamond Mountain. The wisest and most powerful among them, Starswirl the Bearded, recognized the potential of two young Alicorns, who were rare and legendary ponies possessing the traits of all 3 races. By the creator of Escalation '84: Today, the King sits uneasy on his throne. The continent of Griffonia was discovered, and contact with the long lost Eastern Ponies of the Riverlands was reestablished. . He is popular and well liked, however he has yet to have been tested like his father was in the Empire's collapse and the Republican Uprising of 978. Given time, the well-laid plan will be the strongest. ~ Artist Devinian. With dark clouds looming, the hounds of Bronzehill are anxious for what the future might hold. Mod Equestria at War : . + Pleasant My Little Pony fantasy setting. This griffon always insists on their own point when it comes to controversial matters. Edit on 2021.05.11: - Adjusted some states in Zebrica. In 785 ALB, Grover I dies and Grover II takes the throne. He was a stallion who cared very much about his fellow equine and looked to make his mark helping others, becoming a key figure in maintaining the Equestrian food supply and overall rationing system when the Lunar Civil War broke out. Ideology: But in the far south of Equestria, new humans have come from the far future with strange technology. This spirit especially hurts Equestria's recruitable population and defence. Supplies are never late, nor are they ever early. A few of the focuses will also raise Compliance and lower Resistance on the newly acquired states, they will be skipped if you have completed the Aquilisation process. In the meantime, the new Grover V Industrial Park in Ravensburg is nearing completion, offering new jobs and opportunities to the hounds and griffons of Bronzehill. He is widely known to be an arrogant and lazy snob, which is why it was a great surprise when he volunteered to join the officer corps of the Equestrian Army. Now that war is on our doorstep, perhaps we can give him a more serious duty to fulfill. Princess Luna will take up the cause, eventually leading to a referendum on welcoming Thestrals into Equestria. As part of the Imperial Heartlands, Bronzehill is bordered by friendly regimes and united under Imperial Protection as a vassal state. Unfortunately, only five years after the Republic was created Marshal Berthelot led a counter-revolution which resulted in the Discret Restoration. The country sits on a knife edge, with various factions fighting for the outcome. Dedicated to the life as an officer, with ambitions to match. Once the revolution has triumphed, The Second Republic can be taken to progress to the rest of the focus tree. You will also have the option to release various puppets all over the continent via the L'Ordre Nouveau decisions. the dogs of Bronzehill are peaceful, hardworking, and freedom-loving. Remove the National Spirit "True Madness". If the coup succeeds, the news of Grover VI's death will trigger a massive mental breakdown in Count Ignatius, where the event states that he . In the Bronze Council - the Count's main advising council - various factions are forming inspired by the political parties that have swept across the industrial world. She has now worked at Manehattan's "Rarity For You" store for years and has grown quite skilled at managing a business. He is also very prejudiced against anyone who is not a pony, openly referring to non-ponies as "creatures" in a dismissive manner. Give us an overview of the things you need to consider starting out - what are the good and bad things, what directions could you take, etc. United Ponies Alliance This general will go out of his way to talk to the media and will always try to be in the limelight. The Communists are growing in popularity among the lower classes with their promises of better working conditions, removal of social inequality, societal reforms, and loyalty to the Emperor. After almost single-hoofedly turning around a naval battle in the middle of the night against a much larger enemy force Evening Squall was first given the nickname "Nightmare of Solomon" by enemy forces but it was soon adopted by Equestrian naval personnel. The scenario focuses on global confrontation between Changelings and Equestria. After a time as a member of the Imperial Guard, he was granted a seat on the Bronze Council in 971 and was a close advisor to the Count. A good enough plan can survive contact with the enemy. The Revolution itself abolished the Discret Monarchy, and resulted in the proclamation of the First Aquileian Republic with Thodore Vrany at its head. The Equestrian Airforce is big yet obsolete, possessing 265 Pre-War Fighters, 18 Pre-War Carrier Fighters, 24 Naval Bomber I's, and 40 Pre-War Bombers. Rank: Unterwachtmeister, Artillerie-Regiment Bronzekrutz, 1. Assassination of the Duke. Trigger country event "A United Katerin" in 1 day. EQS Characters / Equestria At War Griffonia Go To. Revenge: If Ferdinand Dawnclaw murders Grover VI, Bronzehill will be struck with a nation-wide grief that soon turns into anger, and a desire to punish Ferdinand for his great betrayal. Evi federation is a formable nation in the Evi iirc Jev is the tag for the cossacks probably. The air branch again starts with a choice for an air doctrine. A majority of brozehill's is mountainous so I would suggest if possible retreating to the mountains and bleed the enemy dry. Surrounded by some of the best staff, this leader is able to organize and manage a larger number of units. That is the only way you can get them to unite. Where once a proud city stood, only an icy wasteland remained. Equestria returns from exile Return of Sombra Sombra's victory in the Crystal War Equestrian Civil War Daybreaker Ascends Equestrian Civil War - War of the Two Sisters Death of Grover V Lord Protector Aquileian Revolution Tricolour Over Griffenheim - for Harmonists/Communists/Neutrality/Supremacists End of the Republican Dream Grover VI coronation An elite Ironpaw division consisting of six ironpaw batallions and support from engineers and artillery is also avaiable at Level 3 with half the experience required to reach Level 4. See Equestria Secrets for detailed mechanics of the Civil War. The reforms will occur over the next year, and involve three sets of choices. The Bronzehill Army stars with three divisions, which consist of two Royal Defence Divisions consisting of six infantry batallions with support from engineers and artillery. It seems she knows much about the rapid warfare tactics used by her kind in Zebrica, and can teach much to our mobile units. Upon taking the first focus in the focus tree, ("The Second Reign of Terror" or "Fight For Your Freedom! A new School of Friendship, established by Twilight Sparkle to promote peace and understanding between promising future elites of the various races, is representative of Equestria's hopes. The Final Showdown can only be taken once all other focuses have been completed and either someone has united the Herzland (typically the Griffonian Empire) or it is the year of 1012. No one can quite tell when history will come for its revenge on Moriset, or how, but it will occur, someday and inevitably. Fixed supply issues in Sicameon. Railways advanced settlements south into Buffalo territory, while archaeologists and adventurers pressed deep into the jungles to unearth ancient relics and magic. Foreign subversive activities efficiency: Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: AI Modifier: Focus on Military Equipment: Motorized Rocket Artillery Research Speed: Military to Civilian Factory conversion cost. It is no secret that Grover V's health is beginning to falter, and in the event of his premature death, there would be conflict over the regency of his son, the future Grover VI. Hailing from the wide, warm open plains of southwest Equestria, Maxos Eternal was part of the last generations of rural frontierspony and later a successful landowning rancher. Meanwhile, The Knights of Bronze Cross and The Prelate of Ravensburg remain popular among griffons living in Bronzehill, even if their loyalties seem to lie more towards the church than the Emperor. Able to plan and organize the movement of large armies. There she fell in love with a young Shining Armour, and married him. There's no extra credit in Whiplash's world. The other candidates (Fancy Pants, Filthy Rich, and Maxos Eternal) can be chosen regardless of what Equestria becomes. For details on how to begin the civil war, see Luna Led Reforms. Equestria at War Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. As the tree is progressed, the player will be offered choices as to the severity of the wartime reforms - reluctant rearmament without compromising pony values, a desperate embrace of military reform and new powers for a new era of war, or a middle path between the two. With her he has had two children, Barnaby and Margaret. Pony: Adrian, Kettle, Peak cap and Pith helmet. The rest if the world cannot say the same. While he had trouble adapting to modern society, he was given the title Keeper of Tales by Princess Twilight. Behind the scenes, her alter ego Nightmare Moon will attempt to prepare for, and provoke, a civil war. Mod Equestria at War : . The Princesses often entrust him with vital tasks, but he does not abuse his position and is a true gentlecolt, treating both the poor and the rich with equal politeness. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Note that the choice of leaders differs slightly depending on the selection of a Republic or Constitutional Monarchy. If Equestria is losing a defensive non-civil war (>10% surrender) with a major, it can recruit militias from 5 regions for 40 political power each. Legends tell that the three races united against Windigos, the terrible demons of winter. 6 Favourites. 7 years have passed since the return of Princess Luna, and Equestria finds itself in a position of unprecedented wealth and prosperity.

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equestria at war bronzehill