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referendum in a simple sentence

(528) Both Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D) of Nevada and Sen. Patty Murray (D) of Washington face close races that are shaping up as a referendum on earmarking. Just like letters build words, words build sentences. (582) Following the catastrophic events in Asia Minor, the monarchy was abolished via a referendum in 1924 and the Second Hellenic Republic was declared. (496) newspaper The Hill published an article saying that Congress will likely ignore the results of the referendum due to the circumstances behind the votes. succeed. (612) No is braced for one or two resignations after Stewart Jackson, PPS to the Northern Ireland secretary Owen Paterson, said he wanted to support the backbench motion calling for a referendum. (326) They argue that unseemly haggling with Congress will allow the momentum of the referendum victory to seep away. The people approved by a vote of nearly three to one, but the court of appeals declared the act unconstitutional because of the referendum. In any case, referendums are considered effective for overruling legislative decisions that are unpopular. (18) Nine republics took part in the referendum. 1. emerald triangle california map; how long does a sore throat from snoring last. (446) Premier Georgios Kondylis took power in 1935 and effectively abolished the republic by bringing back the monarchy via a referendum in 1935. (268) Independently of this process, the Federal Assembly would discuss calling a referendum in December. (651) Though the referendum would suspend some of the states bail overhaul efforts until November 2020, I dont think that forecloses our opportunity to build on the work that was already underway, Hoshino said. Sentence fragments: as a minimum, a sentence must contain a subject and a verb. Government under whom experienced the conversion to the referendum. What then would be the point of the referendum in the first place? (74) The government put the question to the people in a referendum. (625) BANGHAZI, Libya The chairman of Libya's elections commission said Thursday that the beleaguered North African nation will hold a referendum on a new constitution before the end of February. Referendums are only allowed in state and local governments. (7) It contained two referendum questions. Referendums cannot occur on the federal level. First example: David Cameron referred to it once in a speech during the referendum campaign. The referendum may be ordered by the legislature or by a petition signed by at least 5% of the legal voters in each of two-thirds (at least) of the congressional districts of the state; such petition must be filed not more than 90 days after the final adjournment of the legislature; referred measures become law upon receiving a favourable majority of the popular vote. Let us know by posting a comment and earn good karma. [noncount] The issue was . Another major component of direct democracy is an initiative. He did?) (301) On Nov. 17, Havel broadcast his proposed amendments to the referendum law and the existing Constitution. (519) Through a referendum in 2003, island residents sought separation from the administrative jurisdiction of Guadeloupe, and it was finally accomplished in 2007. For a referendum to be on the ballot, it must have a certain number of votes, as prescribed by the state or city's constitution. (303) In 1948 the island, then an independent country, voted in a referendum to become the 10th province of Canada. (673) The referendum called for the states constitution to add an amendment requiring in-person voter photo ID, expanding the number of qualifying forms of ID and exceptions compared to legislation blocked earlier this decade. A referendum is a ballot that is voted on by the general population of a city, county, or state. (61) The country voted for self-rule in a November referendum. What is a referendum in simple terms? (653) Though the referendum would suspend some of the states bail overhaul efforts until November 2020, I dont think that forecloses our opportunity to build on the work that was already underway, Hoshino said. Email:, and thought that this could help us win the, 1. (470) Interestingly, artful Foreign Secretary Jack Straw has been looking pleased with himself these past few days now a referendum is almost certainly off. (633) In the face of Democratic calls to treat what is actually a race for House, Senate, governor and myriad other offices as a referendum on Mr. Trump, the president responds, in effect, Bring it on. (72) The promised referendum on independence has never materialised. (50) The French referendum result should raise rueful smiles, (51) south sudan is going to be having a referendum in 2011, (52) and thought that this could help us win the referendum. (173) The new military leader confirmed that Venda's situation would be put to a referendum. (659) In late October, he announced that he intended to cancel construction of a new airport after an informal referendum organized by his own party and involving fewer than 2 percent of the nations eligible voters. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. (414) The independence referendum had provoked warnings from Gorbachev that it would lead to a breakup of the Union and hence disaster. (336) In six years, southerners would be entitled to a referendum to determine whether they wanted to form their own state. (165) But many senior Labour figures are deeply uneasy about endorsing another referendum. There are many different types of simple sentences, but some of the most common include: Declarative sentences state facts or opinions. Again, without sentences, theres no real communication. In 1998 Californians passed Proposition 227, a referendum that attempted to eliminate bilingual education by allowing only one year of structured English immersion, followed by mainstreaming. They were subject to exhaustive parliamentary debate and, on occasion, The legacy of Lindh is the confusion and ignorance that afflicts today's, It is this assertion which will be tested in a, But many senior Labour figures are deeply uneasy about endorsing another, There is disagreement within the government over the exact timing of the, The changes were expected to take effect following a, 2There is disagreement within the government over the exact timing of the, 1There is disagreement within the government over the exact timing of the, In what year did Alaskan Statehood lose momentum following a territorial, The new military leader confirmed that Venda's situation would be put to a, 1. (196) The new military leader confirmed that Venda's situation would be put to a referendum. (474) Nasser's nomination for the post and the new constitution were put to public referendum on 23 June and each was approved by an overwhelming majority. Ia terdiri dari satu independent clause saja. American Government Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, GED Social Studies: Civics & Government, US History, Economics, Geography & World, CSET Social Science Subtest II (115) Prep, ILTS Social Science - Sociology and Anthropology (249): Test Practice and Study Guide, Political Science 102: American Government, Introduction to Human Geography: Help and Review, Foundations of Education: Help and Review, UExcel Political Science: Study Guide & Test Prep, Introduction to Political Science: Help and Review, Intro to Criminal Justice: Help and Review, Psychology of Adulthood & Aging for Teachers: Professional Development, Life Span Developmental Psychology for Teachers: Professional Development, Abnormal Psychology for Teachers: Professional Development, Create an account to start this course today. (453) In August the generals won approval for the document in a referendum made farcical by a law which forbade campaigners from criticising the text. 1 2 That Referendum, the two weeks ago. A referendum or referendum is called a legal mechanism for citizen participation, through which any law, administrative act or decision is submitted to popular vote taken to be endorsed by the will of the people. (194) 1I see no purpose in a further referendum on that matter-we are a parliamentary democracy. (728) The Word "referendum" in Example Sentences. (614) Speaking on the same programme, Labour's shadow education secretary Angela Rayner said talk of another referendum was hypothetical at this stage and would represent a failure by Parliament. (535) The Taoiseach flouted his constitutional duty and lined-up with other Governments against the Irish people order to overthrow last year's democratic referendum result. Simple sentences can be just one word (Run!). Sentences are more than just strings of words. (597) A decade after Quebec's failed referendum on cession from the rest of Canada, people in the French-speaking province are once again fired up about the possibility of going their own way. They hoped that direct democracy would make government administration more efficient. (77) 1Opinion polls indicate Roh Moo Hyun will survive the referendum. noun 1 0 Government under whom experienced the conversion to the, For their part, the latter have signalled their readiness to drop their previous threat to split off from the rest of the country and abandon plans for a, The governing Labour party promised the Green party they would hold a national, 2The state can provide as much as $billion of additional matching funds under a bond, The authorities in Moscow justified Russias annexation of Crimea on the basis of a, Bern was a candidate to host the 2010 Winter Olympics, but withdrew its bid in September 2002 after a, The East Timorese voted to secede from Indonesian control in a, Campaigners in Ireland celebrated the end of a medieval ban on blasphemy on Saturday, after voters overwhelmingly supported a, Hundreds of thousands of people opposed to Britains impending exit from the European Union marched through central London on Saturday, demanding a new, But he added: The deal allows us to both deliver on the, In November, Mr Smith was in Gibraltar as a member of the international observer team monitoring the, However, I must say that I am very happy to see that we have such a positive result for our first, The Independence Bloc of Eritrean parties consistently requested from the UN General Assembly that a, Again, if this is the case, it will remain unclear why a, The government may live to regret its recent dalliance with Euroscepticism if forces hostile to greater European integration unite to defeat the, The attacks are a grim capstone to a midterm campaign that will serve as a, Richard Green, a leading figure in the anti-Lisbon Coir movement, issued a direct public appeal to the Conservative leader to hold a, While Catalonias separatist leaders want a binding, Labours deputy leader, Tom Watson, hit back at McCluskeys warning, saying that to suggest a second, The state can provide as much as $6 billion of additional matching funds under a bond, The Constitution prohibits the presence of foreign troops in the country except under a treaty concurred in by the Senate or ratified by the people in a, NOUMEA, New CaledoniaVoters on a French island group in the Pacific rejected the chance to create the worlds newest country in a, Speaking on the same programme, Labour's shadow education secretary Angela Rayner said talk of another, No is braced for one or two resignations after Stewart Jackson, PPS to the Northern Ireland secretary Owen Paterson, said he wanted to support the backbench motion calling for a, Mr. Farage sees the deal agreed to by Prime Minister Theresa May as a betrayal of the liberating, freewheeling some would say simplistic Brexit for which he argued in a 2016, 2No is braced for one or two resignations after Stewart Jackson, PPS to the Northern Ireland secretary Owen Paterson, said he wanted to support the backbench motion calling for a, Under an amendment to the Constitution adopted in 1906 his veto power does not extend to measures referred to the people by the legislative assembly or by initiative and, BANGHAZI, Libya The chairman of Libya's elections commission said Thursday that the beleaguered North African nation will hold a, In Britain, the narrow victory for those citizens who called for breaking away from the European Union in the Brexit, In that year a general election was held; and a, Menzies was firmly anti-Communist; he committed troops to the Korean War and attempted to ban the Communist Party of Australia in an unsuccessful, On June 8, 1861, with people in Middle Tennessee having significantly changed their position, voters approved a second, And now, because of the inadvisability of doing so again - at least not without a show of public support for such a move - the idea of a, In June 1906 five laws and five amendments to the constitution, proposed by initiative petitions, and one law on which the, On March 27, 2015 Sassou Nguesso announced that his government would hold a, For example, sanctimonious relief initially greeted a survey that showed the model republic to have got its best support in the, In the face of Democratic calls to treat what is actually a race for House, Senate, governor and myriad other offices as a, The governments reply to the Free Democratic Party query notes that the embassy recorded 684 such requests the previous year, most of them following the so-called Brexit, No 10 is braced for one or two resignations after Stewart Jackson, PPS to the Northern Ireland secretary Owen Paterson, said he wanted to support the backbench motion calling for a, At heart, Brown probably agrees, but now that the, After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 Ukraine held an independence, In remarks released ahead of her speech in the House of Commons on Monday, May says that staging another, Stymied by economic crisis FitzGerald tried to rescue some of his ambitions to reform the State and he proposed in the summer of 1986 a, But the change will never happen under conservative Prime Minister John Howard, 64, an avowed monarchist many blame for manipulating a1999, Statehood for Alaska was an important cause of James Wickersham early in his tenure as a congressional delegate.

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referendum in a simple sentence