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why molten salt reactors are bad

Misconception #6: Thorium reactors and Molten Salt Reactors are the same thing! Even for this lower power output, operations were anything but smooth. These reactors can adapt to a variety of nuclear fuel cycles (such as Uranium-Plutonium and Thorium-Uranium cycles), which allow for the extension of fuel resources. [48], Terrestrial completed the first phase of a prelicensing review by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission in 2017, which provided a regulatory opinion that the design features are generally safe enough to eventually obtain a license to construct the reactor. In todays LWRs 96.4% of the spent fuel rods really is unspent fuel. [26] MSFRs contain an emergency draining system that is triggered and achieved by redundant and reliable devices such as detection and opening technology. [25], MSFRs may be breeder reactors. [91][92], In January 2016, the United States Department of Energy announced a $80m award fund to develop Generation IV reactor designs. Molten salt Fast reactors (M.S.R.s) are one of the Generation IV nuclear reactors that use high-temperature liquid molten salts as their nuclear fuel instead of conventional solid fuels. In fact the Oak Ridge reactors worked successfully for what they were built for. Watch now: Conversations Before Midnight public keynote. MSRs can be cooled in various ways, including using molten salts. [86], Kirk Sorensen, former NASA scientist and chief nuclear technologist at Teledyne Brown Engineering, is a long-time promoter of the thorium fuel cycle, coining the term liquid fluoride thorium reactor. With high operating temperatures, the IMSR has applications in industrial heat markets as well as traditional power markets. Over those four years, the latter reactors operations were interrupted 225 times; of these, only 58 were planned. It became brittle, for example. I wont even try to rebute anything in the article, but instead I will just say thatRead more . [95], Abilene Christian University (ACU) has applied to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for a construction licence for a 1MWt molten salt research reactor (MSRR), to be built on its campus in Abilene, Texas, as part of the Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing (NEXT) laboratory. The IMSR also uses graphite, instead of heavy water used in CANDU reactors, to moderate neutrons. A low melting point simplifies melting the salt at startup and reduces the risk of the salt freezing as it is cooled in the heat exchanger. The MSR program closed down in the early 1970s in favor of the liquid metal fast-breeder reactor (LMFBR),[35] after which research stagnated in the United States. If you choose to print my comment could you use this re-comment and cancel the one from earlier today. During this period, it generated less than 8 percent of the electrical energy of what it would have generated running at full power round-the-clock. For the primary cooling loop, a material is needed that can withstand corrosion at high temperatures and intense radiation. Accessed via Flickr. [6], The temperatures of some proposed designs are high enough to produce process heat for hydrogen production or other chemical reactions. MSRs Technology is a high temperature platform that uses a liquid fuel that doesnt begin to operate until the fuel salts are melted at several hundred degrees C. TheyRead more , Despite ones personal beliefs about molten salt reactors, this is clearly a hack job of an article. [28][29][30], Advocates estimate that five hundred metric tons of thorium could supply U.S. energy needs for one year. Likely need for regulatory changes to deal with radically different design features. #3 Reactor accidents, some rather infamous, occurred with PWR technology experimental designs. After March 1968, the fuel was changed to one involving another weapons-usable material, uranium-233, which was derived from thorium. A few years after the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment was shut down, the Atomic Energy Commission terminated the entire molten salt reactor program, although it continued to fund the molten salt breeder reactor program until the end of fiscal year 1976. The fuel is a molten salt in which the most hazardous fission products are not gases but non-volatile salts. A recent report from the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) found that molten salt tanks had experienced leaks that required costly full drainage and refilling for repairs. But even if one were to ignore those reasons, the problems with MSRs laid out here show that they cannot be deployed for decades. The design uses molten salts rather than water as a coolant. Im sorry but articles that look at 60s technology and say if man were meant to fly.. dont excite me. Most of the lithium salts, however, are not suitable for lithium batteries due to their high melting point. One version of the Very-high-temperature reactor (VHTR) under study was the liquid-salt very-high-temperature reactor (LS-VHTR). According to Prof Memmott, nuclear power, and molten salt in particular, is an ideal solution to the world's current energy conundrum because it is safe and stable, the core reaction doesn't. They were not meant to be perfect. And if they are deployed, they would likely result in various safety and security risks. [94] Also in 2021, Southern Company, in collaboration with TerraPower and the U.S. Department of Energy announced plans to build the Molten Chloride Reactor Experiment, the first fast-spectrum salt reactor at the Idaho National Laboratory. [16] The purpose of salt purification is to eliminate oxides, sulfur and metal impurities. "Molten salt reactors are a safe solution to providing clean energy, clean water and medical isotopes to the world," Berry said. [41], In the USSR, a molten-salt reactor research program was started in the second half of the 1970s at the Kurchatov Institute. No more molten salt reactors have been built since. space. Low-pressure operation lowers engineering complexity. Both of these could lead to the component failing. The molten salt fast reactor teams (Moltex, Elysium, Terrapower-Southern) are trying to develop power reactors which could operate as breeders. When the MSR development program had progressed far enough to justify an expanded program leading to commercial development, the, This page was last edited on 28 October 2022, at 23:47. , Evans-Pritchard, Ambrose (6 January 2013), MSRE Legend: 1) Reactor vessel; 2) Heat exchanger; 3) Molten salt fuel pump; 4) Freeze flange; 5) Thermal shield; 6) Coolant salt pump; 7) Radiator; 8) Coolant salt drain tank; 9) Fans; 10) Fuel salt drain tanks; 11) Flush tank; 12) Vessel; 13) Fuel salt freeze valve. The main design priority was proliferation resistance. They point to Milton Shawthe head of the Atomic Energy Commissions Division of Reactor Development and Technologyand his strong preference for the liquid metal fast breeder reactor. [59], In 2022, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP) was given approval by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment to commission an experimental thorium-powered MSR. As Haubenreich described while pronouncing that the experiment was running mighty smooth, the operators ran into some difficulties and could only operate at powers up to 5 MW. Nevertheless, he expressed the confident expectation that the reactor would be at 10 MW within a couple of weeks. In fact, Haubenreich later admitted in a paper written after the reactor was shut down, the highest power level it reached was only 8 MW. In the MSFR, a small amount of molten salt is set aside to be processed for fission product removal and then returned to the reactor. The program received annual government funding of around 100,000200,000 (equivalent to 2m3m in 2005). A fluoride salt will contain the fuel itself. They operate without a moderator in the core such as graphite, so graphite life-span is no longer a problem. Remember a salt is a . The technology is. A 2018 review from the Idaho National Laboratory could only recommended that a systematic development program be initiated to develop new alloys that might work better. Keep up the good work, you keep me informed and I use your articles on my radio show sometimes. The political and technical support for the program in the United States was too thin geographically. With apologies to Dr. Ramana, today over half a century later, this article looks like an ill researched public opinion piece reading like political anti-nuclear propaganda. Second the material developed cracks on surfaces exposed to the fuel salt. The US government conducted two MSRRead more , This seem more like a hack job than any evaluation of how successful molten salt reactor experiment was. The US and Russia should have reactors working by 2030. This funding came to an end in 1974, partly due to the success of the Prototype Fast Reactor at Dounreay which was considered a priority for funding as it went critical in the same year. In March 2021, New Brunswick-based Moltex received $50.5 million from the Strategic Innovation Fund and Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. a molten-salt-cooled, molten-salt-fuelled reactor with a prospective output of 1000MWe. As one of the Oak Ridge team leaders described it, Design of the [Molten Salt Reactor Experiment] started in the summer of 1960, and construction started 18 months later, at the beginning of 1962. Commercially, though, MSRs slipped by the wayside and the light water reactos became the default. High temperatures possible Molten salts were first looked at for their ability to go to very high temperatures. But extending the concept to dissolving the fissile and fertile fuel in the salt certainly represents a leap in lateral thinking relative to nearly every reactor operated so far. In some designs, the fuel and the coolant are the same fluid, so a loss of coolant removes the reactor's fuel, similar to how loss of coolant also removes the moderator in LWRs. A big concern is meltdown of solid Fuels in a Reactor. Nickel and iron based alloys are prone to embrittelment under high neutron flux. Fluorine has only one stable isotope (19F), and does not easily become radioactive under neutron bombardment. It produced 100 MWh over nine days in 1954. At any given time during operation, half of the total fuel salt volume is in the core and the rest is in the external fuel circuit (salt collectors, salt-bubble separators, fuel heat exchangers, pumps, salt injectors and pipes). Moltexs Stable Salt Reactor (SSR), on the other hand, uses a mixture of uranium and plutonium and other elements, dissolved in a chloride salt and placed inside a solid assembly, as fuel. Read more about this topic: Molten Salt Reactor. The Point Lepreau nuclear generating station in New Brunswick, where Moltex proposes to build a molten salt reactor. The intermediate fluid circulation speed can be adjusted by controlling the power of the intermediate circuit pumps. (It is easier to approve novel military designs than civilian power station designs in the US nuclear regulatory environment).

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why molten salt reactors are bad