Life's too short to ride shit bicycles

advantages of arranged marriages

In countries or cultures where matchmaking is the norm, people are very aware of the pros and cons of arranged marriages. People mess up. The involuntary nature of historical arranged marriages is what gave the practice a bad name. If you havent accepted it, youre probably spending time in a far away ashram or have lost all communication and contact with your family. After all, your preferences for a partner might not necessarily reflect that of your parents! Everything You Need To Know. It was useful in that we got to see the areas that might be a concern. 7) A solid foundation. If you extrapolate this principle to other areas of life, this would mean that you should delegate all your professional, business, or investment decisions to someone else. This is another acknowledged advantage of arranged marriages. Firstly, arranged marriages these days are optional and are only carried out with the childrens consent (Should arranged marriages be outlawed? Although it felt a whole lot like an arranged marriage because we had so much in common, ultimately it was one of our choosing. I know plenty of independent, strong-willed people who embraced the traditions of their culture with a modern-day approach. Yes, it may become a bed of roses if you are ready to make sacrifices at each step, if you let the parents prevail over all your major decisions, if you think love grows with time[ which is more for the family and your own children] if you believe marriage is more essential for a settled life and is not for your own pleasure It is quite difficult to quit such marriages as you are more bound by culture, traditions and decisions of your family. When a marriage is arranged by the parents, a couple can be reasonably assured of continuing to live as they have been used to.A comfortable degree of familiarityOne of the most important aspects of an arranged marriage is conducting a background check on the prospective partner. Something I was exposed to by my future in-laws was something kind of like a survey. And, if the couples upbringings are similar, it makes it easier for them to merge into each others families. They may even be in the driving seat with parents just there along for the ride and to oversee things. The wealth is kept by the brides family and is popularly known as the brides wealth. So, expectations in arranged marriages are less at the time of marriage and grow only at a later stage after marriage. In most arranged marriages, it is being set up in a way where both the individuals are of the same religion/caste/financial . Therefore the children will grow up immersed in the same culture and background. Home Marriage Are Arranged Marriages ALL bad? I have an arranged marriage,and i can say that marriages are decided in heaven and made on earth so the end result is harmony for those who want it and disharmony who dont work on it.Im thankful for my marriage. I help people overcome their breakups or divorces. Especially if you havent lived together before marriage. Furthermore, opponents argue that arranged marriages could also be considered as forced marriages. An arranged marriage is when your parents or relatives choose a suitable match for their children. You Are Less Likely To Feel Depressed Then its all about how we can grow individually and as a team as we deal with who we are and how together we can create the best relationship possible. Spouses are willing to put up with a good deal more in arranged marriages as compared to love matches where personal choices rule and which may in the end goad a spouse to opt out of a marriage if things do not work out to his/her liking.However social and gender experts point out that most of the adjusting in an arranged marriage in traditional societies is done by the women. This perception fails to stand once you start living with your partner. Global average divorce rate on arranged marriages - 4.2 %. im now left with a crazy decision to move in w/ someone ive been dating for only two weeks and it would normally sound crazy, but when you think about it in relation to arranged marriage, how crazy can it be? In some cases, this argument could be legitimate because some couples are forced into marriage for family and societal benefits. Marriage didnt turn out as we had imagined. Benefits of Arranged Marriages. Arranged marriage also comes with a lot of pressure about society, children, and other factors. Law adjustments are better. Now, arranged marriage is not like marrying a total stranger. Here are a few celebrities who chose arranged marriage over love marriage. Yes, the wedding is stressful, doesnt feel like your own and will be as chaotic as a three ring circus but what are family occasions for after all? Advantage: The ownership of love marriage lies totally with the partners. People still see failed marriages as a taboo and hence, consider arranged marriages as a safer option. But Im going to give it you straight. The religious leaders in the past taught that marriages must adhere to the caste system. Thanks for sharing your experiences with arranged marriage (glad it worked out:) ) and glad you enjoyed the post too:). In Western culture, we are often told that we need to find our "soulmate" and that true love will last forever. This can also be seen in Japan, where the tradition of Omiai is still practiced by, Personal details such as date of birth, place of birth, parents names, and family history, A picture and details of appearance (including skin color, height, hair color, and fitness levels), Religion and even level of devotion in some cases, A brief introduction of the bachelor/bachelorettes and what theyre searching for in a spouse. A close friend of mine had an arranged marriage she knew the guy growing up, but only very casually. Since the couple doesnt know each other, there are possibilities of differences arising between the two in the later stages of marriage. hey Elle trying to keep you all guessing:) with the humor. Today, owing to greater social mobility and breakdown of clan network, matrimonial agencies have taken over the job of finding suitable matches. The usual information that takes a few dates to learn is already given upfront, making it easier to see if the match will work out or if its unsuitable. Theyre most likely your neighbors or live just down the block from you for unwanted and intrusive visits. I may not have had an arranged marriage, but I can see how input from parents can be useful. Like all communities, word gets around pretty quick and everyone knows everything about each other. The marriage is built on compatibility instead of emotion. Theyll be heirs to two parents who speak the same language, practice the same religion and follow all the same traditions. and then Add to Home Screen. This is the important advantage of love marriage. They never get the chance to reveal their true selves. When parents begin searching for a future bride or groom, theyll pour through different biodata until they narrow down potential matches. As you can see, theres a lot to take in. Though they're not for everyone, arranged marriages do have some advantages that you may not be aware of. A well-written article, even if I disagree with its ideas. although arranged marriages may not be completely beneficial to the couples in some cases, it tends to have more advantages than disadvantages in the society today because it reduces the rate of divorce in societies, it guarantees a wider range of happiness in families and it is a secure form of marriage (country reports on human rights practices They want to pass down their beliefs to the next generation, and the easiest way to do this is by. So Im guessing a full background check is performed? No need to deal with dating pressures The challenge of finding someone who can fall in love with you and sign up to get married is difficult. Few religions do not permit inter-caste marriages, especially Islam which does not allow a girl to marry any man from a different religion. It encourages arranged marriages within particular groups. Thus, they are forced into an arranged marriage without much choice of their own. First of all, there are no social inferiorities between the couples in arranged marriages due to the many similarities in their backgrounds. Also, couples have low expectations in arranged marriages because they barely get to know much about their spouses before they get married. However, history has also witnessed some exceptions like courtship and betrothal rituals during the time of Renaissance in Italy. 2. For all the reasons that you mentioned above and then some. But in arranged marriages, you are open to accepting your partner because you are trying to know them, and so the love keeps on growing with time. They spent their time getting to know each other and after ten days, the duration of the vacation, they felt they knew all there was to know about each other so they decided to get married. Dont waste Your Time Searching For a Sample. Dont worry, I have picked up the most common questions around arranged marriages and answered them for you. Kiran Athar Especially in the last part where you say that it doesnt matter if its love or arranged, its more of how you approach marriage in general. Looking at the differences, I would like to say that love marriages are way more beneficial for the couple because that involves their love and interests, whereas in an arranged marriage it kind of seems to be an arranged set up for two people to marry. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. I try to keep you guessing, Sandra. But with that being said, I cant lie and say that family and societal pressure dont still play a role in arranged marriages. (somewhat lol). In my opinion , the relationship only because of love is blind sometimes and leads to a higher divorce rate today. Usually, middlemen, parents, or guardians select a few prospects first and then show their pictures to the one who is to be married. These days most of the people prefer to have a love marriage than getting arranged by their parents. Let me begin by saying that mine is an arranged marriage(though I did know my husband and his family before we were married). As SSS says, are you serious here? The marriage was a way of bonding the two families together. The global rate of divorce between couples who married by arranged marriage is the only 4 percent. haha. Or, of the living arrangements after the wedding (as its common in some cultures for the newly-weds to remain living with the grooms parents and family). This wealth is also financial support for poor families. But, unlike popular belief, arranged marriages are not ALL bad. So you can bet your roti, the guy youre marrying cares about education, financial stability and maintaining religious and cultural traditions. In most cases, the initial feeling of hate eventually turns to love (Lee 2013). Copyright 2002-2020 Quest Mercury Intermedia Private Limited. an academic expert within 3 minutes. She considers herself a citizen of the world, who gets her inspiration from the people she meets along her journeys. 2. You don't have to worry about how your spouse is going to turn out. Take for instance, the movie, A few best men. Finally, there are rarely cases of domestic violence in arranged marriages. So, with that in mind, lets check out the cons of an arranged marriage to get the whole picture, because while it works for some, for others it can end in heartbreak and despair. Because men of character commit to marriages, and often, for the long-term! Financial balanceArranged marriages are usually brought about between families which more or less belong to the same financial background. There are horrible stories out there of arranged marriages gone wrong. A law has been enforced that parents forcing marriages on their children is against the law and could be charged with a criminal offence. Plural: arranged marriages. After all, in most cultures that practice arranged marriages, you dont marry just your spouse, you marry into their family. Julianne is Certified Relationship Coach and Licensed Social Worker. If I had written this post ten years ago, I would have argued vigorously against an arranged marriage and advised anyone who was considering one to visit a shrink. not a suitable match for an arranged marriage, In Love But Worlds Apart During the Pandemic, If You Feel Like Youre Going to Be Alone Forever After a Breakup, The Problem of Dating When Youre Stuck in the Past, Win the Hearts of Indian Parents and Marry Your Indian Partner, 6 Ways of Letting Go of the Past and Embracing the Power of Now. You already know what the goal of the relationship is when you first start dating. She has 15 years of experience in Matchmaking industry. Where families couldnt afford professional matchmakers, the marriage proposal would be initiated by an elderly relative who would again be acquainted with both parties and hence knowledgeable about their fortunes and families. Parents can offer advice and support in times of need. However, modernization and westernization has changed this mindset about arranged Marriage is the act of two people coming together, and with them, they bring both their upbringings, habits, and traditions. You'll know he's compatible. I think it is a mostly serious post but when trying to explain it to others, it sounds a little on the unbelievable and over the top funny side! Family ties are very strong, and when a young person allows their parents to find a future partner for them, its a sign of great trust. List of the Advantages of Arranged Marriage 1. Think of it as the equivalent of a marriage CV. Who is the best love marriage or arranged marriage. According. It needs intimacy, friendship, even attraction. Its bad enough when you pick the wrong person to date and it ends terribly, but imagine marrying someone you didnt even choose and finding out you have zero in common? By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. 3. Ill definitely add your thoughts to the counter-post on why people must be nuts for having an arranged marriage . Love takes second priority 3. Anu, some great tips and real wisdom here! 1. It often becomes a loveless marriage. Julianne Cantarella, MSW, LSW So, in this article, Ill discuss the pros and cons so you can make up your own mind about it. 2) Shared values. Gossip, rumors and insider information about each others families usually gets the job done:). Lastly, forced marriages are obsolete and are against the law (Travis 2000). One of the strongest reasons for arranged marriages is . For a marriage that will last, having someone objective (the family in this case) who can judge whether the couple will make a good match or not seems like the safer option. Hence, an organized inheritance shall take place. Contrary to popular belief, nowadays, an arranged marriage is not much different from your best friend introducing you to someone casually over drinks. Thanks for sharing your experiences Dave and glad to hear youre familiar with the topic. (2016, Nov 20). But committing their life to someone theyre unsure of/unattracted to/disconnected from is a big sacrifice to make. The popularity of matrimonial websites in fact is evidence of the remarkable way in which an essentially traditional and conservative system like arranged marriage has adopted modern technology to maintain its continuity and relevance.Couples start with minimum expectationsProponents of arranged marriages often claim that societies that largely follow this system have vastly lower rates of divorces as compared to societies where marriages based on love are the norm. List of the Advantages of Arranged Marriages 1. wait, you think arranged marriages work? This might include slavery, rape, or physical torture. Yes, its not how we end up to the party, its how we do when we get there. If after this, neither of them is interested in the other, the topic is dropped and a new search for another suitable partner begins. September 16, 2022, 4:50 am, by Thanks for your insight and perspective here. but not regular marriages? 1. 3) It takes the . Family support Many times people marry for the sake of love without the consent or blessings of their family. Also, the marriage will only happen if the 2 individuals like each other . , Certified Relationship Coach If you havent heard of Relationship Hero before, its a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people through complicated and difficult love situations. The idea that you cannot find love because our. You can win or get shot badly. For these reasons and many more, marriage has become one the most debated issues in societies today. For example, some parents force their children, especially the female children, to get married to people from wealthy families with high social standards because of some financial difficulties their families might be facing at the moment or plainly because of a craving for family name and social recognition. Thank you for sharing the recipe for harmony humility, patience and prayer. Naturally, they want the best for their children, but other influences can get in the way that stops them from realizing how incompatible the match will be. Enjoyed the post thoroughly. There is a less chance of taking wrong decision . They are nourished with care, love and affection from even when the parents are away. Victoria seemed to be a grief-stricken figure for the public after the king died of typhoid, but the truth was something different. Even in the United States, arranged marriages were common until the first half of the 20th century among migrant families. Thanks for your comment and welcome to the blog, John. Some studies have shown they make up roughly 6% of divorces globally. But in arranged marriages, the children get a chance to accept or reject a marriage proposal brought forward by their parents. But more than love vs arranged, I think it is how you approach your marriage that is most important. Got the t-shirt AND the divorce papers! My wife and I had to take a questionnaire about our values and viewpoints and a bunch of other concerns. Ownership. Thanks for sharing your experience with your parents and glad to hear you chose yourself and made your own decisions:). Since the bride and groom usually belong to the same religious, linguistic and caste group, they also tend to have the same value systems and life goals. In arranged marriages, the parents and families play a leading role in arranging the marriage, but the individuals getting married can nonetheless chose whether to marry or not. Simple acts can go a long way in building a strong bond and loving relationship. You learn what you want and what you dont want in a relationship. When the couple argues, the families might take sides and end up alienating each other or their son/daughter-in-law. Arranged marriages get criticism when an individuals choices are not respected. However, young men and women today do not agree with this ideology. The first advantage of being into an arranged marriage is to stop finding that perfect one. Some prefer to put the couple in touch and then take a step back once theyre married. And one of the final disadvantages of arranged marriage is that the couple can end up feeling stripped of their right to make individual choices. They tend to announce a very typical punishment which involves the guilty family to marry their virgin girls who are between the ages of 5 to 12 to the other family. He, ok fine his family, also values gold and diamonds which they intend to shower you with for the rest of your life. The trend of Arranged marriage is seen in the rural as well as the urban areas. Yes, I did make some wedded blunders, for sure, but only have myself to blame. Since the couple has stayed together for a long time, they are much more compatible and have full knowledge of their partners habits and interests before the wedding. They do not provide them with the choice of education, and this is mostly prevalent in uneducated families and areas of poverty. That was my experience anyway. By parents. Amazing writer! Its sort of like having your own research department or like vetting a judge for a presidential appointment Being from the culture, Im not sure if I can say it makes complete sense or not but I know its practiced and I know there are lots of success stories. Preston and Travolta had chemistry right after they crossed paths and dated for some time. It sounds like you both decided first before allowing your families to decide:), You make a good point that it doesnt really matter about how involved families are but how NOT involved they are (how much influence they exert) And the less influence they have in the relationship, the better? And lets face it, a marriage, whether love comes first or after, needs a connection. Arrange marriage is more reliable comparing with love marriage. But who am I to say what families should or shouldnt do? All Rights Reserved | Vishnu - Immigration Lawyer - Seattle, USA. In the Quran, Allah says: "And among His signs is this: that He created for you mates from among yourselves that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them" (30:21). The family members believe in getting the younger ones married only with the permission of the elder ones and according to their choices. I know Im not alone in knowing of couples who begrudgingly got together because their families wouldnt accept a no without putting up a fight. Youve offered some excellent tips. Thats a veritable storm- in- a- teacup of a post! They had a great honeymoon and promised to be with each other forever. If someone is married into too rich a family, there could be potential for social awkwardness and embarrassment which may eventually prove difficult for the marriage. A marriage doesnt mean marrying each other. How can we create the best relationship possible in marriage is a better question than which marriage is better. In other words, this argument could also be irrelevant and inauthentic for the following reasons. Reviewed by Hi Vishnu.You have only painted the rosy picture of Arranged is not always the bed of roses as you have made out to be in your witty style! At the basic level, the parents or eldest male members of two families proceed through various stages of negotiations and eventually arrange the marriage of the girl and the boy from their respective families. Avoidance of lovesickness. In situations where this is not the case, the little expectations minimizes the level of disappointment. The first disadvantage of arranged marriages is the lack of compatibility. A few months ago, I reached out to Relationship Hero when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. Families look out for those things that will stick in the long run earning capacity and professional and career potential. Another advantage of having an arranged marriage during this time was that a son was able to give their parents an idea of what kind of wife they wanted by . To elaborate further, arranged marriages are common in countries like India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and there is very little tolerance for divorce in these countries. As we have done with the former, now it's time to dig more about the latter. The important political advantages to royal arranged marriages made refusing to marry the appointed person an impossibility. Generations ago, brides and grooms would be arranged to be married by their families with little or no say. It doesnt matter whether it is arranged or love induced or a combination of both. Thanks for your visit and adding to the conversation Steve! Here are some parts of the world where its still the done thing (to varying degrees): Now we know that its more than just finding two people who get along; upbringing, finances, status, and more all play a part in arranged marriages. Cultural similarity. Not only does this limit the pool of potential partners to be matched with, but it enforces negative stereotypes and this has wider implications throughout society. Their only child Anthony was born in 1924, and the couple soon got divorced in 1930 Brooke claimed that her husband beat her numerous times. Due to this, the couples end up saving their marriages unconsciously by making sure none of their misunderstanding lasts longer than is necessary. While this post isnt for everyone, there are probably many of you out there (in or originally from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and other parts of Asia and Africa) who will face the prospects of an arranged marriage. It is considered that elders are more qualified in the job of choosing a life partner for the children in their family. So, if a middleman or third person is looking for brides or grooms within a specific social, cultural, or economic group, it is known as arranged endogamous marriage. The couple feels that they themselves are enough for each other and they don't require familial love. Otherwise , in the rapid changing world ,the arrange marriage shows its own advantages such as , reliable ,matching and stable. Arranged married were very common in the past societies. Score! Saying yes to a match even if one or both dont feel any connection, Saying yes to getting married in the first place, even if one or both are against the idea of marriage, Theyre afraid of shaming or bringing dishonor to their family by getting a divorce, Their family encourage them not to consider divorce to keep the peace between the two families, A divorce may not feel like its just between the couple; it can feel like trying to divorce the entire family. You can always feel free to share your wildest secrets, and can be assured that it will never get propagated. We use cookies in order to give you the best possible experience on our website. Compatibility, trust, adjustment, and sacrifices are also extremely essential to build a strong connection. They make adjustments and sacrifices so that their partner is comfortable around them.To be specific, there is no such time period in which they fall in love. I used to believe that arranged marriages were ridiculous but did go thro one myself to save myself from the melodrama that goes with doing anything against your parents wishes.BUT, as Ive gotten older(ahem cant believe I acknowledged that) I really think there is something to the tried and tested tradition of an arranged marriage. Ultimately, it comes down to personal choice and what you feel comfortable with. Kim claims that she handled their marriage in a very miserable way. Hack Spirit is one of the leading authorities providing practical and accessible relationship advice. Type your requirements and Ill connect you to As weve already established, arranged marriages are very much a cultural/religious practice. The couple spent 17 years of marriage and was blessed with nine kids. In love marriages, the couple has a strong emotional bond with each other already. Its a recipe for awkwardness, and therefore the couple ends up putting on their best behavior. 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advantages of arranged marriages