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homeopathic medicine for eyesight weakness

The main symptom of allergic pink eye is itchy eyes. 845.475.4158 Store; Eye Diseases; Eye Nutrients . kindly advise for best homeopathic medicine, my doctor said to me my muscels are weak.I am suffering cervical spondolisis.what medicine i use doctor. Rhus toxicodendron One of our most important ophthalmic remedies, and oedematous swellings, redness and acrid discharges mark the drug. This plant belongs to family rutaceae. Alumina is a remedy for ophthalmia senilis; its well-known power of producing dryness of the mucous membranes is seen here. Feels very weak & tired after about 3km walk daily. Oversensitivity to light is a common occurrence in people, and it can quickly escalate into a major issue. Debility is usually accompanied by backache where Kali carb is indicated. #Selenium. There may be twitching of muscles of the forearm and hand. Dr.A.B. Nearsightedness accompanied by twitching of the eyelids is also treated well with Oleum Animale. Hepar is one of our most important remedies for conjunctivitis, especially in cases that do not yield to Aconite or Belladonna, following these remedies well. Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album also helps in prompt recovery from weakness that has resulted from diarrhoea. The blood pressure drops with weakness in such cases and the person may also faint. Rapid diminution of strength is observed in such cases. Dry fruits and nuts: Almonds, raisins and figs are elixirs for the eyes. Ruta is one the most suitable medicines for myopia with a severe headache. Phosphorous cataract; sensation as if everything were covered with a mist or veil, or dust; atrophy of optic nerve; glaucoma; thrombosis of retinal muscles and degeneration of retinal cells. Muscle weakness arising from overstraining the muscles also indicates the use of Arnica Montana. Is also a most a valuable remedy for affections of the eyes from overwork, where every tissue of the eye is irritable. Other symptoms include sleeplessness, anxiety, and restlessness. Jaborandi is an excellent internal remedy in iritis; it allays inflammation, controls spasms of the muscles and will absorb adhesions. A debility that sets in after mental emotions, grief, sorrow, home-sickness or disappointments, with emaciation, night sweats, drowsiness, etc., will call for Phosphoric acid. China is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for weakness after bleeding, diarrhoea and from anaemia. Thanks. Nitric acid is often indispensable in ophthalmia neonatorum, but its main use is in superficial ulcers of the cornea with splinter-like pains. Theirritation can also come from cigarette smoke, car fumes, pool chlorine or other toxic substances. Kindly suggest the suitable homeopathic medicine for me with precautions to be taken. Her cpk levels are 1105. Some major categories of diseases that feature fatigue include: Feeling of fatigue after eating is very common. Weakness of the ciliary muscles and blurred vision are the signs to look out for prescription of Ruta, rated among the best medicines for myopia. UNDERGOING KINESOLOGY/ wat Med would u suggest along with the potency.thank I a, Dear doctor, Regards. There appears to be a loss of power in the limbs. The secretion is rather scanty and there is much pain in the eyes and often spasmodic closure of the lids. Kali sulphuricum is sometimes most useful in ophthalmias neonatorum, in gonorrheal ophthalmias and in abscess of the cornea, also Calcarea sulphurica. Conjunctivitis from cold or accompanying measles. The menses are profuse, long lasting, followed by marked weakness. Aconite is to be preferred in the beginning of a conjunctivitis, or in fact any acute inflammation of the eye, when of traumatic origin, as from a foreign body, the eyes feel full of sand, there is photophobia and painful inflammation of the eyes from exposure to cold, or from the action of acrid substances in the eyes, as from wounds or burns. In fact, the weakness is so pronounced that even speaking is a task. Homeopathic Medicines for Headache Kali Phos and Ignatia - Best Homeopathic medicines for headache from stress (Tension headache) my sister aged about 80 canot walk.suddenly she does not have stregth in legs.what is the remedy? This branch of medicine uses natural substances to stimulate palliative reactions in individuals suffering from orthopedic or nephrology disorders. It may be caused by a virus, bacteria, allergy, or irritation. Such a person would usually have an aversion to any kind of physical exertion or activity because of lack of strength. A profound debility with a tendency death ward is often met by this remedy with its general, waxy skin, etc. Argentum nitricum also has the profuse purulent discharge and swollen lids, swollen from being distended by a collection of pus in the eye. The person needing Causticum may have a high sensitivity towards cold air. It suits especially debility arising from sexual excesses or seminal loss. male . It is indicated for blurring of vision from reading for an extended period of time and straining eyes at fine work like sewing. Pulsatilla is especially serviceable for the mild, passive, lymphatic temperature and locally profuse, thick, bland discharges and not much pain or photophobia. Suits debility of nervous or functional origin, with burning in spines or limbs. Gelsemium dilates the pupil through its paralyzing effect on the third nerve. Please in homeopathy the medicine ,the doctors tell, to be stopped when the symptoms improve what should i do when i am suffering life long disease like diabetes and high blood pressure and essential tremmer which are never cured.? I am experiencing muscle and joint pains Kreosotehas a blepharitis with a discharge of hot tears. Also to be remembered in cataract. Patients From rest of the world and India call The main reasons behind weakness include anaemia, diarrhoea, childbirth, bleeding, fever, old age, copious menstrual bleeding, sexual excesses and nervous exhaustion. Due to these reasons my doctor is giving me a once weekly dose. She has studied with Prof. George Vithoulkas at the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy. +91-6283487321. Fatigue of the eyes and head even when the eyes are not being overused is a key symptom for prescription of Phosphorus. Weakness in arms usually is seen to get worse in the night time. The patient is greatly prostrated after acute or violent diseases. Learn about homeopathic remedies and products for your eyes - for different eye diseases and conditions. Surgical reattachment is usually successful. From Jan 2022, again neuro problems resurfaced Presently I am having neck pain, Eye tiredness, General Tiredness, Itching, at times Slurred speech and swallowing problems in in the night.I am able to eat and drink except that I could not bite .I could take Only semi liquid food and if I take spicy items like pickle or sambar, cough or wheezing like condition happens. If bleeding has not significantly slowed, consider another remedy. Euphrasia One of our best remedies in eye affections; it has an inflammation of the lids, which appear red and injected, or perhaps ulcerated, with a profuse excoriating discharge, photophobia, cannot bear artificial light. Excessive indulgence in sexual activity results in weakness and backache. - Editor, Homeopathy for Everyone I can not sit without back support more than 10 minutes. Concurrent with this cold may be a fever, body aches, general fatigue, aching in the back part of the head, and sometimes a sore throat. Myopia mainly occurs when the light entering the eye does not directly focus on the retina, but rather in front of it. Fatigue after eating. Oleum Animale is one of the most wonderful medicines for myopia where the symptoms include blurred vision with smarting in the eyes. Calendula: It is helpful to improve corneal health, corneal healing and vitality. I am also suffering from obesity . Other symptoms include red, burning and tearing eyes and puffy eyelids. Please suggest medicine for muscle weakness after surgery. This tonic solution contains different natural herbs which offer a reliable cure to these health symptoms. It is one of the best remedy for heart weakness treatment. #Picric acid Urge Incontinence and Weak Bladder Treatments.mp4 . Gelsemium is selected when the main symptoms are marked weakness with dullness and drowsiness. There appears fullness in hands when the person tries to grasp anything. Weakness of the ciliary muscles and blurred vision are the signs to look out for prescription of Ruta, rated among the best medicines for myopia. Is there any homoeopathic treatment for its revival. What should i use? Aurum metallicum. People who are myopic often complain of headaches due to eye strain and blink excessively. Depression. Uveitis may be caused by problems or diseases occurring in the eye or it can be part of an inflammatory disease affecting other parts of thebody. Boyle prefers Ipecac to Conium in phylctenular keratitis in children with redness, photophobia and lachrymation. Motion worsens it. It has an abundance of paralytic symptoms, diplopia, double vision and ptosis. Great sensitiveness to cold is one of its leading indications of the iris from cold, with pressing pain, great photophobia, lachrymation and heat in the eyes, with the sensitiveness to cold air. It's frequently chronic and bilateral and can affect both upper and lower lids. My general health is o.k. It corresponds to conjunctivitis from getting wet, rheumatic iritis, with pain shooting from eyes into head, worse at night and in damp weather. Get started with your Homeopathic treatment of Bell's Palsy. Deady regards this remedy as our best in this affection; the ulcerated surface looks as if it had been chipped out by the finger nail, and there is accompanying a yellow-coated tongue and a tendency to a rapid extension of the ulceration. Limbs feel excessively weak and exhausted. Switch word group repetition : Day by day I am getting better and better in everyway relieves me from mental fatigue and ensuing tiredness. Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - It is also useful when headaches attended with vision troubles. Homeopathic medicine Ambra Grisea is also helpful in elderly people with concentration difficulties. #Muriatic acid. Asthenopia from prolonged strain with great twitching of the palpebral and ocular muscles. 1. It is used when the person feels spots of colors floating in front of the eyes. Eyes Oversensitive to Light. Petroleumis also a remedy in blepharitis when the lids are red, raw and moist. My everything is OK,just Couldnt see anything in long distance I first noticed it 2/3 years ago.but I went to check my eyes 6/7 years ago.then it was perfect.there was no face become bluer. Sir/Madam I am 74 yrs being 75 completing feeling weakness while walking in the morning only. Blurring of vision, relieved by winking thus wiping the eye is especially characteristic of Euphrasia. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available to treat weakness that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensations and modalities of the complaints. How much dose of kali phos requires for a 65 yo man? #Psorinum. The person is prostrated with rapid sinking of body strength. Kalium phosphoricum is helpful for weak vision, health of the optic nerve Ledum can be useful for bruising or black eyes if Arnica does not alleviate the problem. Natrum Mur is one of the most helpful Homeopathic medicines for headache due to eye strain and sun exposure. The person experiences photophobia along with blurred vision. Kindly suggest any homoeopathic remedy for lazy eye treatment available. Pustules near the border of the cornea. Sexual desire is almost gone. Can you please suggest a remedy that can help me, I am 72 yrs old with type 2 diabetes in control. Almonds 7. It is of more use than any other remedy for the sharp shooting and sticking pains accompanying glaucoma. Chronic immobility. The nervous system is exhausted. Eye strain, weak eyesight, itching in the eyes along with headaches are the signs when phosphorus is to be given. Rheumatic ptosis calls for Rhus. Homeopathic medicines are natural and safe, and work as a tonic for recovery from weakness. Photophobia is an eye disorder in which is eye is unusually sensitive to light, and the aversion to sun light, which causes extreme discomfort in the vision. #Arsenicum. Vertigo and fainting spells may also be frequently experienced. Restlessness and intense thirst for water may also appear along with weakness in cases where Arsenic Album will aid recovery as one of the top rated Homeopathic medicines for weakness from diarrhoea. Natural medicines can thus provide supportive treatment in myopia. There is failure in memory. The most common ways to get the contagious form of pink eye include: Direct contact with an infected persons bodily fluids, usually through hand-to-eye contact; Spread of the infection from bacteria living in the persons own nose and sinuses. 75 Useful in glaucoma with periodical exacerbation of the pain which is intense and burning. Trembling of legs and palpitations have also been observed in cases where Conium will work as one of the most reliable Homeopathic medicines for weakness in old age. Graphites Phlyctenular ophthalmia. Kali Phos is one of the top listed Homeopathic medicines for weakness of nervous origin. I am 38 years old. Jerking pains with vomiting and diarrhea. I am aged 67, having hypothyroid for 35 years, diabetic for 26 years.Lasr March I had Slurred speech n problems in swallowing food& liquids. Arms feel powerless and numb. Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - Increased calcium levels in the blood, low sodium levels, pinching of nerves in the spine, and Myasthenia gravis (an autoimmune neuromuscular disorder that causes weakness and fatigue of the muscles.) Arsenic album burning in eyes with acrid lacrymation; corneal ulceration; intense photophobia; oedema around eyes; external inflammation; ciliary neuralgia; better external warmth. Debility with blue veins, cold and blue hands and feet. Pulsatilla The general symptoms of the drug will guide to Pulsatilla as much as the local. One of my daughter 23rd years old. She is the Director of Asha Homeopathy Medical Center, Jaipur's leading clinic for homeopathy treatment and has been practicing since 2004. if u have some eye problems like myopia burning in eye nidling sensation in eye vision defects, homeopathic medicinecineria maratima d2 eye drop by dr re. Day-to-day activities are hindered and the person has difficulty driving at night (night myopia). Hi Dr.Sharma I am having muscle weakness in both legs after using atorvastatin 80 mg for 2 years .I am having difficulty getting up or sitting down and my legs are so heavy .I need therapy???? Stannum Met is a natural medicine for muscle weakness in limbs attended with heaviness. It is very useful and effectively treats the weakness to make you feel better. The exchange of signals between the muscle and nervous system takes place at the neuromuscular junction. Debility from overtaxing the muscles; exertion such as mountain climbing will indicate it. Dr. Reckeweg R95 Alfalfa Tonic (100ml) Dr. Reckeweg Alfalfa TonicA body building tonic for children, youth & elderly which stimulates appetite, improves digestion, assimilation & aids excretion. Back head(upper nech) muscle verry weak. (Hom), CICH (Greece) Tarlock Sahansra. Blepharitis and conjunctivitis from cold or in those who work about fires as in foundry men; the pains are worse at night, the lids are thickened, the eyes discharge a thin muco-pus, making the cheeks sore and pimply; superficial ulcers appear on the cornea with a tendency to spread. Principal remedy. Uveitis is a general term describing a group of inflammatory diseases that produces swelling and destroys eye tissues. Purge with Euphrasy and Rue The visual nerve, for he had much to see. MILTON. In any way, carrots work as highly effective home remedies for weak eyesight. Plumbum Met is a natural cure for severe muscle weakness that progresses rapidly. Intra-ocular inflammations, where serous exudations occur, dull pains, double vision and vertigo will indicate Gelsemium. Gelsemium Sempervirens is a natural treatment for muscle weakness. Tissue salts taken for over six months can help improve vision. This article discusses the homeopathy treatment of eye disease along with the best homeopathic medicine for eye disease treatment. 4. what potency shall I use, low lile 3CH or 12CH or 30s, what is your opnion. Using poorly fitting contact lenses or decorative contacts are risks as well. It can happen at all ages and primarily affects people between 20 60 yearsold. Rhus is of marked use in suppurative iritis and is often beneficial after cataract extraction to control threatened iritis and formation of pus. Severe near-sightedness increases the risk ofretinal detachment,cataracts, andglaucoma. They are considered the most effective Homeopathic medicines for weakness, exhaustion and debility from involuntary semen discharge while urinating, while passing stool or during sleep. Homeopathic medicines for weakness work well to aid recovery in such cases and restore energy levels by increasing haemoglobin levels. Rhus tox. Asthenopia, on attempting to read, letters become blurred and a cloud over the eye. Weakness and fatigue of arms arise from lifting a small weight, or from the slightest exercise. Pl help to regain my sex. It is indicated by indolent inflammation, swollen and agglutinated lids in the morning, little photophobia, the indolence is marked, eyes not very red; in fact, there is with this remedy an absence of inflammatory redness and proportionate absence of photophobia. Hammering and jerking in eye. Pains shooting into head. A feeling of having sand in the eyes which gets better by rubbing may also be present. I am pure vegetarian. Objects look yellow. Beta blocker medication causes fatigue, especially after exertion, inducing exercise intolerance. A fine remedy in asthenopia, there is weakness of the internal recti, the eyes feel stiff while moving them, letters run together. It works very well in cases of tiredness of the eyes and burning in the eyes from eye strain. Information about list of common eye diseases, homeopathy medicine, or homeopathic treatment of eye diseases. A corneal ulcer results from an eye infection, but severedry eyeor other eye disorders can cause it. Retinal detachment usually involves only one eye, but may later involve other eye. It is also considered to be one of our best remedies in corneal opacities; also Cannabis sativa must not be forgotten. The 12X is a very useful strength. Fennel 8. Improves vision for glaucoma patients. wen I walk balance Id not there.doing physiothery. In its action on the eye it resembles Argentum nitricum; it reinforces the action of this remedy, stirs it up, spurs it on. It produces also an inability to accommodate quickly. Ill be very very thankful. What should i do? China has shown excellent results where weakness appears following diarrhoea. 3. Vilas states that care should be taken not to give this remedy too low. Bacterial infections cause conjunctivitis (Homeopathy for Conjunctivitis or Pink Eye) that produces lots of sticky pus in the eye. Top grade medicines for myopia are Pysostigma, Ruta, Viola Odorata, Oleum Animale and Phosphorus. A gush of tears on separating the lids is a trustworthy indication. Dr. Dudgeon thinks it useful in premature presbyopia, but of little use in adult presbyopia. Promotes the absorption of lens debris. Confusion. The hand muscles also lack strength. There is no secretion of mucus or pus. A person suffering from myopia tends to partially close his eyes to see clearly. The severest forms of uveitis reoccur manytimes. Eye surgeon said I am suffering from Lazy eye problem known as Ambloypia in which the the brain can not recognize the clear image. Please consult a professional homeopath before taking any homeopathic medicine for eye diseases. The most common cause of corrective vision loss, a cataract is a gradually developing opacity of the lens or lenses capsule of the eye. Just can not read long distance letter,which latter my all friend can read clearly. Crataegus Pentarkan is an important homeopathic medicine for heart. except forgetfulness. Please watch this video till end. . The underlying cause is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Zincum has proved of service in pterygium with smarting stinging at the inner canthus and in opacities of the cornea following long-lasting attacks of inflammation. It is indicated when debility, exhaustion from profuse diarrhoea appears. Rheumatic iritis, burning , stinging, shooting pains worse at night. It speedily absorbs hypopyon, and abscesses of the cornea require no other remedy. The ability of the eyes to focus is not fully mature at birth. A lack of reaction from nervous weakness calls for Ambra. Ammoniacum gummistands between Belladonna and Ruta in asthenopia; the eyes smart and burn, especially when used at night by light. It has a sensation that the eyeballs feel too large, which is also found under Paris quadrifolia, which is a valuable remedy in certain forms of asthenopia with inability to fix the eyes on anything steadily; it has, too, the peculiar symptoms of a sensation as if a string were drawing the eye back into the head, as if the optic nerve were too short. Indian Gooseberry - Home Remedy for Weak Eyesight Indian gooseberry is a rich source of vitamin C which is active and powerful antioxidant. Clematis follows Mercurius corrosivus well in iritis, and Hughes speaks highly of it in the syphilitic variety. They require Homeopathic Medicine for Eyesight Weakness in such a situation. Staphysagria is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for weakness from sexual excesses. Which medicine you suggest me.? Improved greatly with steroids. Retinal detachment occurs when the outer retinal pigment epithelium splits from the neural retina, creating subretinal space. 703-659-0873. Lachesis defective vision after diphtheria; extrinsic muscles too weak to maintain focus; Lycopodium night blindness; ulceration and redness of lids; eyes half open during sleep; sees only one half of an object. There is much retinal congestion, with relief from heat and half sightedness, the upper half of objects being visible. Dr. Talbot, of Boston, reports success with this remedy in cataract. #Ambra. But neck pain started and I could not go for walking. Aching from overuse or detailed work, relieved by closing the eyes or pressing on them, suggests a need for this remedy. Acupressure/Acupuncture 4. Ruta acts very well for eyestrain occurring from overuse of eyes. Homeopathic medicine Kali Carb has aided recovery in several cases of post-childbirth weakness. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. It is also a valuable remedy in scrofulous ophthalmia with acrid tears and spasmodic closure of lids, in ulcers with inflamed eyes agglutinated in the morning, and in fistula lachrymalis. There is a progressive loss of muscular strength in the arms, which feel weak and lame. Your suggestion please. Homeopathy is considered the most frequently used alternative form of medicine for treating old-age problems/disorders, and rightly so.

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homeopathic medicine for eyesight weakness