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how to compliment someone's integrity

"Keep up the great work.". The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". It was founded by Lachlan Brown in 2016. In light of the key role played by job knowledge, you want to make sure to use knowledgeable phrases when providing feedback in this area.\nAbility to apply expertise to the job\nExceptional: Consistently exceeds expectations\n\n Handles every technical challenge skillfully, thoroughly, and effectively\n \n Has applied her expertise to save the company a substantial amount of money\n \n Has used his technical knowledge to generate numerous improvements in processes, procedures, and operations\n \n Applied her expertise to the XYZ project and contributed directly to the projects success\n \n Transformed the XYZ project from a failure to a success by applying his expertise\n \n Makes highly technical information interesting and understandable\n \n Enhances the effectiveness of group meetings by sharing her expertise on issues or questions that arise\n \n\nExcellent: Frequently exceeds expectations\n\n Presents complicated information in understandable chunks\n \n Uses expertise appropriate to the situation or problem\n \n Creatively applies her expertise\n \n Enhances the expertise of her fellow employees\n \n Is able to take theoretical information and make practical use of it on the job\n \n Has helped find solutions to several problems through his technological insights\n \n Provides technical information in user-friendly language\n \n\nFully competent: Meets expectations\n\n Shows a high degree of intellectual effectiveness\n \n Easily absorbs and applies new information\n \n Communicates effectively with technical and nontechnical employees\n \n Uses her expertise to raise the quality and quantity of work\n \n Shows tenacity in solving technical problems\n \n Always seeks ways to use his knowledge to make improvements on the job\n \n Focuses on causes rather than symptoms\n \n\nMarginal: Occasionally fails to meet expectations\n\n Relies on outdated knowledge\n \n Is impatient with nontechnical employees\n \n Is more interested in quick answers than the right answer\n \n Goes into far too much detail when asked a question\n \n Uses so much technical jargon that she is difficult to understand\n \n Provides information that is not regarded as credible\n \n Starts providing an answer before hearing the entire question\n \n Provides too many answers that are either fluff or bluff\n \n\nUnsatisfactory: Consistently fails to meet expectations\n\n Pushes out-of-date solutions on employees, and then becomes defensive if employees raise questions\n \n Provides inaccurate technical information\n \n Responds to technical questions with an arrogant, degrading, and demeaning style\n \n Ignores requests for help\n \n Is more interested in his field than in getting the job done\n \n Lacks expertise in areas in which it is most needed on the job\n \n Provides solutions that have created larger problems\n \n\nTechnical knowledge\nExceptional: Consistently exceeds expectations\n\n Keeps his technical skills on the cutting edge\n \n Is the go-to person for technical questions\n \n Offers comments, suggestions, and answers that are widely respected and carry a great deal of weight\n \n Has made important technical contributions to her field\n \n Is passionate about continuing to learn\n \n Can discuss technical issues with anyone at any level\n \n Reads for pleasure in his field\n \n Has technical expertise that has contributed directly to the success of the company\n \n Is regarded as an experts expert\n \n\nExcellent: Frequently exceeds expectations\n\n Has a high degree of intellectual curiosity\n \n Is on top of new developments in her field\n \n Is truly an expert in his field\n \n Maintains state-of-the-art knowledge\n \n Is one of the resident experts in the company\n \n Knows it all without being a know-it-all\n \n Is highly regarded as a technically savvy individual\n \n Has great knowledge, but never shows off\n \n\nFully competent: Meets expectations\n\n Digs in and finds the right answers to complex technical questions\n \n Has a solid grasp of the entire field\n \n Has thorough knowledge from A to Z\n \n Asks questions when stumped\n \n Listens carefully instead of jumping in with an answer\n \n Takes active steps to build her expertise both on and off the job\n \n Is continuously upgrading his knowledge base\n \n Always takes advantage of learning situations, whether on or off the job\n \n Keeps all licenses and certifications current\n \n\nMarginal: Occasionally fails to meet expectations\n\n Has let her expertise fall behind\n \n Gives superficial answers to detailed questions\n \n Has no interest in continuing education\n \n Builds technical expertise in areas that have little to do with the needs of the company\n \n Has in-depth knowledge in too narrow of an area\n \n Has impressive credentials, but spends too much time talking about them\n \n Relies on information that has since been updated\n \n Shows declining interest in his area of expertise\n \n Focuses more on yesterdays knowledge than tomorrows challenges\n \n\nUnsatisfactory: Consistently fails to meet expectations\n\n Bases decisions on knowledge that is out of date\n \n Shows no interest in upgrading her technical knowledge\n \n Turns away from opportunities to build his expertise\n \n Lets licenses and certifications lapse\n \n Is unfamiliar with the latest developments in her field\n \n Gets caught up in the technical details and fails to see the larger issues\n \n Becomes argumentative when his facts are questioned\n \n Hasnt taken a class or attended a seminar in years\n \n","item_vector":null},"titleHighlight":null,"descriptionHighlights":null,"headers":null,"categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","human-resources"],"title":"Employee Appraisal Phrases: Job Knowledge and Expertise","slug":"employee-appraisal-phrases-job-knowledge-and-expertise","articleId":190321},{"objectType":"article","id":190320,"data":{"title":"Employee Appraisal Phrases: Professional Ethics","slug":"employee-appraisal-phrases-professional-ethics","update_time":"2016-03-26T21:00:10+00:00","object_type":"article","image":null,"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Business, Careers, & Money","slug":"business-careers-money","categoryId":34224},{"name":"Business","slug":"business","categoryId":34225},{"name":"Human Resources","slug":"human-resources","categoryId":34241}],"description":"Ethical issues in the workplace have always been important. This is one of the most awesome compliments you can give someone. Best wishes to you in your new position. You always make my day better when I am feeling down. A person with integrity will be proud of their accomplishments, but they will at the same time be humble. In a world that is so focused on individualism, it can be rare to find someone who focuses on whats good for the collective community. Discover YOUR secret superpower with our new quiz. Again, used with discretion, it can be very flattering. So it's time to change compliment culture. "I love your confidence.". If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Who likes to admit they have been wrong? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except as expressly permitted in writing by Brown Brothers Media Pte. These are all important lessons for everyone to learn and when you come across someone who has a great deal of integrity, you can expect them to exhibit these self-less behaviors. Dummies helps everyone be more knowledgeable and confident in applying what they know. Someone with true integrity is only interested in doing the right thing. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Be genuine. Dependable: Someone who will always show up when they are expected to show up, someone who can be expected to deliver what they promise on time. Rudeness is becoming an unfortunate part of society, especially in the online world. Boost those self images Copyright 2022 Atrium. Other ways of how to flatter a guy. This compliment acknowledges your partner's effort and empathy. Is it to buy that car youve been saving up for? Louise Jackson When they say you can count on them for something, you know they will keep their word. Marriage is a big step in anyones life, but there are reasons to cohabitate before you tie the knot. If you are sick or have an emergency that prevents you from being at work or that will make you late, call your supervisor immediately. updated November 6, 2022, 8:27 am, by Dont assume the worst from everyone; if you suspect someone of lying or cheating but they claim otherwise, then find it in your heart to give them that second chance. They always give others the chance to explain themselves, and move forward considering those other points of view. This means, well, one that . Im Lachlan Brown, the founder, and editor of Hack Spirit. "The compliment should be authentic," she says, and connected to values that you personally hold dear or that you know are important to that person. But when you have true integrity, you are more attuned with the world and those around you. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Hence, it's probably best for people to avoid messing with someone they really don't know. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. -i wish i could do this all day. A personal choice she's made. If you feel the other person is joking or being sarcastic, a "That's very kind of you" ought to be a smart response. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Not only does this teach children about emotional vulnerability, but it shows them that it is okay to say you are sorry, even if it makes you seem less powerful. Pearl Nash When appraising your employees in this area, you may be tempted to focus on the amount of information theyve amassed, and then appraise them solely on this factor. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. This site is not intended to provide, and does not constitute, medical, health, That shows integrity on your part as well. Of course, people with true integrity do these things because its the right thing not to be praised for their integrity! Here are the 17 best compliments: 1. Find something smaller, more subtle about her, and compliment that to get more of a reaction. It makes it personable and seems more genuine. Thankfully, after 8+ years in the industry, I've built a strong network of people (including other local marketing agencies) that share the same values and beliefs of honesty and integrity as I do. November 8, 2022, 12:17 pm, by 3. Du bist sehr sympathisch. 2. Whatever your goals are, theres a hidden trap in how you set them. Rather, give a specific, detailed compliment that keeps your praise sounding genuine and lets the other person know exactly what they did right. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. 7. Be sincere. You're stunting on everyone and you know it. Respect the other person's boundaries if your compliments seem unwelcome. What creative thoughts, personal strengths and character attributes do your coworkers possess? "I'm excited to work with someone with your experience.". updated September 19, 2022, 6:39 am. Compliments showing respect and trust. Overarching positive comments about super attitudes provide no information regarding behaviors for an employee to continue, while overarching negative comments about terrible attitudes provide no information regarding behaviors for the employee to eliminate.


When providing feedback in reliability, dependability, and integrity, keep in mind that as an employee improves his or her performance, then individual attitudes improve as well.


Reliability and Dependability


Exceptional: Consistently exceeds expectations

  • Displays exceptional performance day after day

  • \n
  • Keeps his word under all circumstances

  • \n
  • Regardless of the situation, will do everything possible to make sure that her performance is steady and strong

  • \n
  • Is unstopped by obstacles, pressures, and demands that would justifiably derail others

  • \n

Excellent: Frequently exceeds expectations

  • Can be counted on to give 110 percent under all circumstances

  • \n
  • Keeps his commitments and works with fellow employees to help them keep theirs

  • \n
  • Automatically works extra hours if thats what it takes to get the job done right

  • \n

Fully competent: Meets expectations

  • Can be counted upon for steady performance

  • \n
  • Demonstrates consistently solid performance in all aspects of her work

  • \n
  • Handles projects conscientiously from start to finish

  • \n

Marginal: Occasionally fails to meet expectations

  • Demands reliability from others, but not from himself

  • \n
  • Has energy, drive, and performance levels that are inconsistent and unpredictable

  • \n
  • Talks about deliverables, but does not consistently deliver

  • \n

Unsatisfactory: Consistently fails to meet expectations

  • Disappoints employees who depend on her

  • \n
  • Makes promises that he doesnt keep

  • \n
  • Guarantees that deadlines will be met, but consistently misses them

  • \n



Exceptional: Consistently exceeds expectations

  • Maintains the highest standards of personal integrity

  • \n
  • Displays exemplary behavior in every aspect of his work

  • \n
  • Is highly regarded for her integrity both within and outside the company

  • \n
  • Is a true embodiment of the companys values regarding integrity

  • \n
  • Sets the high-water mark for integrity

  • \n
  • Identifies the most worthy steps and then takes them

  • \n
  • When given a choice, always opts for the reputable route

  • \n
  • Finds and implements the sterling way to handle any ethically challenging situation

  • \n

Excellent: Frequently exceeds expectations

  • Sets very high personal standards of integrity, which his employees emulate

  • \n
  • Will not consider less-than-honorable plans, strategies, or behaviors

  • \n
  • Consistently engages in meritorious behavior

  • \n
  • Can be counted upon to act honorably in all situations

  • \n
  • Builds a climate of integrity in her department

  • \n
  • Demonstrates the highest levels of integrity in all dealings with employees

  • \n
  • Handles all dealings with his customers with the highest levels of integrity

  • \n
  • Has a strong sense of integrity that underlies dealings with vendors

  • \n

Fully competent: Meets expectations

  • Is well-intentioned in all her workplace behaviors

  • \n
  • Consistently takes the high road

  • \n
  • Appropriately counsels employees who engage in disingenuous behaviors

  • \n
  • Has a strong sense of right and wrong, and consistently strives to do whats right

  • \n
  • Maintains high standards of integrity across his department

  • \n
  • Makes decisions that consistently reflect her strong commitment to acting reputably

  • \n
  • Quickly dismisses less-than-exemplary options

  • \n

Marginal: Occasionally fails to meet expectations

  • Lets expedience trump integrity

  • \n
  • Sets integrity aside when pursuing his goals

  • \n
  • Rationalizes her less-than-meritorious behaviors

  • \n
  • Does not rank integrity particularly high on his list of priorities

  • \n
  • Always expects integrity from others, but doesnt always display it herself

  • \n
  • Intermittently demonstrates acceptable levels of integrity

  • \n
  • Has had several recent lapses in integrity

  • \n

Unsatisfactory: Consistently fails to meet expectations

  • Violates company standards and expectations regarding employee integrity

  • \n
  • Has put the company at risk with his untoward actions

  • \n
  • Engages in underhanded behaviors

  • \n
  • Has taken actions that have caused his employees to question his integrity

  • \n
  • Has generated complaints from customers because of issues with his integrity

  • \n
  • Has been the cause of concern from vendors because of her integrity

  • \n
  • Has cost the company customers and money because of his disingenuous behavior

  • \n
  • Has engaged in questionable behaviors that have led to corporate embarrassment

  • \n

Common themes in performance appraisals focus on employee attitudes such as reliability, dependability, and integrity.

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how to compliment someone's integrity