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rummy nose tetra high ph

The best range of pH for Rummy Nose Tetra is 6.0 to 8.0 and hardness: 2-15 dGH. Rummy Nose Tetra . The startling difference between other freshwater fish and Rummy nose tetras is theirred headthat leaves your visitors awestruck. Rummy Nose Tetra (Hemigrammus bleheri) is a tropical freshwater fish native to South America. Considering the fishs sensitivity to ammonia and nitrates from waste, a high-performance filter (like the Fluval FX4) is always a good idea. Minimum Tank Suggestion. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Its almost like the fish is comprised of parts from several wildly unique species. Any smaller than that is not right, always go for larger. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. The minimum number of fish to be kept in a rummy nose tetra tank should be no less than six. The slightest inconvenience, for example, the traces of ammonia, nitrite, nitrates, and other toxins can shorten their lifespan and activity levels. pH 7.5 - Ammonia 0.0 - Nitrite 0.0 - Nitrate <0.5 Tested last week: GH 9 - KH 6 3. Rummy nose tetra is very sensitive to water polluted with nitrite and nitrate. 1.5 - 2. You can also give them finely chopped vegetables from your kitchen. These tetra fish are easy to find at fish stores. The water temperature needs to be a little bit on the warmer side. This species is often confused with H. bleheri, which has a more silver body with no black stripe entering the body from the tail. Buying a bigger tank is always a good idea as it is suitable for your fish and requires lesser maintenance. When setting up a home for the Rummy Nose Tetra their tank should mimic their natural habitat as much as possible. tanks paul, i was totally worried today morning.. because i got them on thursday thursday night i swtiched off the lights they were fine, and yesterday they were all schooling very elegantly and with Dark red nose by evening one just starting keeping to itself in a corner.. and today all of them were pale and with the test kit problem i am having i didn't know what to do my guppy was extra sleepy as well so looked like dying.. i totally freaked out added prime just to be on safe side though it wasn't needd.. after a while all were normal and rummy were getting the color back but one, i think the one already keeping to itself had a white patch kinda thing on its tale and was bad.. don't think it will make it i just wish the rest do good ill get more if the batch go well, I lost all of my first rummys, bar 1, to ich. In fact, once you get the hang of it the whole thing becomes very simple! To optimize breeding success, separate the male and female in separate tanks prior to breeding. The caudal fin in rummy nose tetra is patterned with black and white horizontal stripes with colorless lobe tips. l Reducing pH isn't always easy ! Its a relatively small fish with a slender profile thats slightly more bulbous towards the head. Thank you for visiting! They were hit very hard by it and it was very sad. hope so, Paul a little more help from you, some of my fish scratch themselves against plants of gravel they aren't consistent but they do once in a while any idea? Since they need to be kept in a group and are an active fish, they require a bigger tank. Tank size: 29 Gallon, set up for 4 months. The water needs to be relatively acidic and soft. Tetras are sensitive to high parameters, follow the advice of fishorama, and if you can get a biological strain from an already established system it would be great, and personally I would advise you to ask here in the forum before . Make sure that you keep your aquarium water clean and free of any organic or food waste. The particular rivers these fish call home are pretty sparse. Therefore you should carry out a partial water change and water tests at least once a week. In their natural habitat, the rummy nose tetra occupies the middle and top water column with a preference for slow-moving waters. Dropsy is when fluids inside the fishs body accumulate and their otherwise slim profile to become swollen. Add to cart. They can also be found with a white body, black and white tail, and very minimal red coloration on the head only around their eyes. Therefore, to provide a healthy ecosystem, it is suggested to use a robust filter such as HOB or canister filters to keep your fish tank free of toxins. It is always necessary to model the natural habitat to ensure it complies with their needs. These fish are very colorful and bright, so they are one of the more beautiful tropical freshwater fish to have in an aquarium. Spend majority of their time swimming in the middle region. In contrast, external factors mean the disease caused due to the addition of infected substance, decorations, or infected fish to your aquarium. Determining the sex of Rummy Nose Tetra can be just as difficult as breeding this species. On rare occasions, the color stretches past the head and to the gills. They are perfectly capable and are considering schooling fish as they will swim together. Some specimen dont even grow past 2 inches. The water conditions required for this fish are not as . The primary species (scientifically known as the Hemigrammus rhodostomus) is the true Rummy Nose Tetra. All Possible Causes, Dropsy In Fish: Your Guide To Symptoms & Treatment, Clown Loach Care: Tank Size, Food, Lifespan, Tank Mates, Dojo Loach Care 101 (aka Weather Or Pond Loach), Planarian Worms In Your Aquarium: How To Get Rid Of Them, Albino Bristlenose Pleco: The Complete Care Guide, 12 Types Of Aquarium Algae + All Causes & Treatments. This fish can be found in Rio Negro in Brazil and Rio Vaupes in Columbia. The average Rummy Nose Tetra lifespan is 5 to 6 years in captivity. The fish may roll, if so, watch it and be sure it rights itself, if not, take it out and try again in a few minutes. Flicking or scratching can be a sign of ich or other parasites, the only advice I can offer is to keep an eye on them, if you see any spots that look like grains of sugar then you can treat it. Aquariums are a closed system; over time, as the evaporation takes place, decomposing organic matter, ammonia, nitrite, nitrates, and phosphate builds up water quality degraded, increasing hardness and the pH of the water. Failing to keep your aquarium in good condition can lead to a host of issues for your Rummy Nose Tetras. Nicknames: True Rummy Nose Tetra, Common Rummy Nose Tetra, Brilliant Rummy Nose Tetra. To potentially pair these two fish together successfully the tetras should be added to the tank first. 9 years ago. There is still no guarantee that you wont have to deal with a fish disease. The baby rummy noses are slow growers among all the popular freshwater fish. Aquarium filter is a must when it comes to fish keeping hobby. Tiger Barbs are known to cure other fish of their shyness which could be beneficial to the Rummy Nose Tetra, but this risk should not be taken for the sake of the health of the Tetras. Size. This fish is native to South America, more specifically the Amazon River.A group works well in a community . If you want to provide some treats every once in a while, try live or frozen foods. If it's just the ammonia test you require it is available overhere to buy singly, or of course the whole kit can be purchased. So, it is crucial to separate the eggs from the adult Rummy Nose Tetra. As the tetra lays the egg, eggs get to pass through this mess and are protected from the adult tetras. The reason is apparent: some aquarists find it challenging to wait and see their aquatic plants grow big and make their aquariums aesthetic. Here are some need-to-know care facts about Rummy Nose Tetras that will make the ownership process a whole lot easier. But in captivity, they have a variety of food to feed on such as brine shrimp, fish eggs, green vegetables including, cabbage, lettuce, cucumber, etc, and commercial food as well. There is a very thin, indistinguishable black line that runs forward base to base- from the caudal fin towards the dorsal fin. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. They are peaceful fish and make good additions to community tanks. Note: Rummynose Tetras are scarce. With their quirky appearance and gentle nature, its no surprise that Rummy Nose Tetras have become so popular among aquarium owners. Phosphate, Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, pH, and hardness of the water should be monitored weekly. This iridescent fish is playful with their tank mates which makes them a great addition to an aquarium and is so fun to watch! The most common Disease is ich. Temperature higher than 82 Degree will increase the metabolism and decrease the life span of the fish. The goal with any fish is to mimic the water conditions of the natural habitat in the wild. hi, i just got 7 rummy nose tetras, but there is something i didn't thought of earlier the PH ? Especially with rummys in it now i am so impressed with the way they school i don't think i would want to go with anyother schooling fish i soo wanted a schooling fish which would school the way they do plus they are expensive here and are available only at a few LFS. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. They thrive well on a varied diet rich in protein. Its always better to get a big tank and add live plants in your aquarium. Mostly dwarf shrimps go well with rummy nose tetras. Rummy Nose Tetras. We will be discussing the care that Rummy Nose Tetra requires in this section of the article. Maintain your aquarium condition so that they can live their entire life happily in your aquarium. What are your water parameters? Maintain the water parameter. Yes, neon tetras make awesome tank mates for rummy noses. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The QT tank was 7.2 and 0. A pair of Rummy Nose Tetra Cost Around $2.99 for a pair as you need to keep them in a group of at least 10, you will be spending about $25 to $30. They coordinate their movements and put on a nice little display. However, you do need to achieve optimal conditions in your tank to trigger spawning. Home; . This guide will teach you everything you need to know about Runny Nose Tetra care. Alison has been interested in fish and aquariums for over five years. You can even feed them egg yolks in a very tiny amount. These bacteria feed on harmful chemicals like ammonia and nitrite and produce nitrogen, which is less harmful to the fish. Ich causes tissue damage and can lead to bacterial infection when not treated soon enough. The Rummy Nose Tetra should be kept in groups of six or more to initiate their schooling behaviors. One inch of your fish requires two gallons of water. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Two of the most common to affect Rummy Nose Tetras are Ich and Dropsy. An in-water heater will make it easier for you to keep temperatures constant. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Our goal at Fish Laboratory is to keep publishing accurate content to help fishkeepers keep their fish and aquarium healthy. Angelfish thrive in warm temperatures of 74 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit with a slightly acidic to slightly neutral water chemistry with a pH level of 6.8 to 7.8. Tetra | Rummy-Nose Tetra. Theyre all small and squared-off, giving the fish a clean appearance. In this article, we are going to cover everything about Rummy nose tetra care. Rummy Nose Tetra are schooling fish; they spend most of the time in a group that creates an impressive display as little light signs through their body. You can try water changes twice a day and if it doesn't get worse, that may work. Therefore, be sure to maintain optimal conditions to raise a happy and healthy tetra. Internal factors mean the disease and infection that arise inside your tank due to poor water quality. The Rummy Nose Tetra is an advanced-level aquarist fish due to the time and care this species requires. There are three very similar species which are all known as rummy nose tetras: . Rummy nose tetra Tank Mates - A look at 16 fellow mates. Ember Tetras. Rummy nose tetra is a shoaling and schooling fish that enjoys the company of other suitable tank mates in a community tank. With that said, they do require some special care and attention. The fry can be fed flake food until they become large enough to be given high-protein meals a couple of times a week. The Rummy Nose Tetra is a hardy fish when well taken care of that will live for almost a decade ranging from five to eight years. In the wild, their diet consists mostly of insect larvae and plant debris. . These diseases come up when the water parameter is not stable due to internal factors or external factors. This species of fish should be paired with other peaceful fish that are not much larger and that are not known to be aggressive. thanks for asking about the Kit Paul, i will definitely let you know if i would need your help . They get frightened when left alone. Like all Tetras, Rummy Nose Tetras should be kept in groups of at least 6 individuals. Rummy noses are sensitive to nutritional deficiencies. While there are some considerations you need to have when it comes to caring for them, we believe anyone can handle these fish with the right knowledge. So, they should always be kept in water temperatures around75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit with 78 being the most ideal temperatureAlso, they prefer slightly acidic to neutral water with recommended pH levels of 6.2 to 7. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Some of the best foods that you can get in the market are fish flakes, pallet, blood worm, daphnia, dried worms. Some breeders claim that females get a bit plumper than their male counterparts, but that physical feature hasnt been tested or established. Fish Laboratory is a source of information on aquarium fish, aquarium plants, aquascaping, and more. Rummy Nose Tetra $ 5.99 $ 4.99-17%. pH: 5.5-7.0. They grow no longer than two inches in length with a life expectancy of around six years with proper maintenance and care. pH: 5.5 - 7.0 (more acidic water is preferable) KH: 4 - 8 dKH; On sale today for $ 14.39! Minimum tank size: 15 gallons (35 litres) or more, keep in small schools. All the small and peaceful fish can live happily with the rummy nose including: Danios of all typesCorydoras CatfishBarbsHarlequin RasborasLemon TetrasBlack widow tetrascardinal tetrasPeppered catfishSiamese fighting fish. Regular water change is always advised to keep a check on the pH level though it should be done in small portions (5% of the total volume) over a certain span of time. Water temperature between 83- and 87-degree Fahrenheit, which is about 28 to 31 degrees Celsius will be the ideal temperature for them to breed. If you provide them with the right water parameter, they are very adaptable and can do well without a heater in well-insulated homes. The number one rule to keep your tetras happy as a daisy is to mimic their natural habitat and see them thriving more than ever. A good thing with Rummy Nose Tetra is that they are hardy fish; if the disease is dealt with at its early stage, you can minimize the damage it causes to your fish. Author Note: Make sure you have a trusted water level testing kit handy so you can have confidence in the numbers youre getting back. The water temperature should be raised to 84 degrees Fahrenheit with a slightly acidic water chemistry with a pH level of 6.0 to 6.2 to induce the breeding process. It also enables breeding among this genus. Consider 20 the minimum no matter how few you own. What is the size of your tank? As they move about in tandem, keeping a shoal will increase these colors and patterns. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The only downside being, in the UK it's fairly pricey. Size: 1.75-2.5 inches. Here is where things get interesting. What are aces worth in Rummy? Anything you add in your tank can introduce disease, even dipping your hand to the fish tank can introduce bacteria contaminating the tank water. Rummy Nose Tetras also inhabits Amazon river tributaries sharing its room with other tetras and non-aggressive fish. Tank region: Middle. The fish was described first by Gry and Mahnert in 1986. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. Yes, they can thrive in various water parameters, but its best to provide them with what they require. The Rummy Nose tetra has the scientific name, Hemigrammus bleheri, and is also known as the Brilliant Rummy Nose tetra, Firehead tetra, Blehers Rummy Nose tetra, and Rednose tetra. This species has a peaceful nature and can tolerate slightly higher temperatures, but they may be pretty sensitive to a change in water parameters, so you need to be careful. Had then four days. Low. Size. Rummy nose tetras display a variety of different colors and patterns across their body. Rummy nose tetras are divided into three distinct very similar tetra species. SO, to replicate its natural habitat, you can create a biotope tank using sand, dried leaves, live plants, and driftwood and river rocks. No matter if you build an aquarium just of Rummy Nose Tetra or you add them to a community tank, they need to be in a group, or else they will get frightened and stressed. KH ( buffers ) and pH. Discus should be kept in groups, like the Rummy Nose Tetra, as this will prevent any aggressive tendencies. I suggest removing the parents into another tank because they may eat eggs. Rummy Nose Tetra can easily be purchased from online aquarium suppliers. The return pipe from your filter should provide enough movement to keep the fish happy. The exact number of stripes vary from fish to fish. Adding baking soda to your fish tank to help with pH, Should I or should I not add the rummy nose tetras. However, theres always a single central black stripe that separates the two sides of the fin. Thus, you can utilize gravel if you want. Each card carries a certain number of points. Besides, they are a very hardy fish with a lifespan of around six years, if taken good care of. Despite their gentle nature, Rummy Nose Tetra care can be a little tricky at times. Its easy to get sucked into watching them swim around your tank (even if youve owned them for a while). The Rummy Nose Tetra should be paired with docile fish that inhabit separate levels of the tank so that these tank mates will have an adequate amount of swimming room. The Rummy Nose Tetra requires warm water temperatures, a diet rich in protein, and adequate swimming room to be hardy and happy. Just added 9 Rummynose Tetras approx. In your aquarium, you should feed them with a similar diet. Rummy Nose Tetra are omnivores; they accept any food that you provide. Habitat: They are found in South America in Rio Vaupes in Columbia and in the Rio Negro in Brazil. The male and female Rummy Nose Tetra hold very little differences from each other. Scientific Name: Hemigrammus bleheri. Rummy Nose Tetras arent going to harm your plants like other fish. Waters in the Amazon River are warm and soft. Rummy nose tetras are a shoaling fish that does well in groups of 6 or more, creating a lovely visual display in the aquarium. If your fish come down with Ich, its important to quarantine them as soon as possible. Bright lights tend to stress out Rummy Nose Tetra. . They make a wonderful addition to a Discus Community Tank. I cleared the ich and my lone rummy soldiered on with the guppies, I got him 5 friends when the big tank was ready, and he is so happy to be in a group again. They are shy and wont dominate other fish. Both the male and female Rummy Nose tetra looks the same from the persons eye. . The presence of a dark blotch at the top of the caudal peduncle. They are the small tetra species that grow up to 5cm when mature. Other gentle fish can be kept in the same tank. No salt. Native to the tropical land, the rummy nose tetra is used to a high amount of vegetation. The water should be slightly acidic with a pH range of 5.5-7.0 and a water hardness of 5-10H. The Rummy-Nose Tetra gets its name from the red blushing nose and face. But, they will make great use of any available hiding places. These fish do require some vigilant care to help them reach their full potential. Once the babies get as big as the adults, you can introduce them to the community tank with the rest of your Rummy Nose Tetras. These tetras live in very acidic water. Hardness: 2-15H To search for high quality aquarium heaters, click here. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Therefore, if you have a well-planted tank, I suggest using dim light or adjustable L.E.D lights to subtly light your aquarium for plant material. The True Rummy Nose Tetra resides in the Amazon Basin. The water doesnt contain a ton of minerals. Temperature: 72 F - 80 F. Size: Up to 2 Inches. Until Now, you should have set up a breeding tank for your Rummy Nose Tetra. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. From its Description to tank setup and ho to breed them. Scientific Name: Hemigrammus bleheri. An aquarium filter helps to clear your aquarium; however, it wont remove all the chemicals and pollutants from the tank. The caudal fin in rummy nose tetra is patterned with black and white horizontal stripes with colorless lobe tips. Other than that, its fluke has black and white stripes, and the body is silvery. As soon as you notice this behavior, remove the adult tetra from the breeding tank, or else, you will not have any eggs left in the tank. These fish should be kept in water temperatures of 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. However, some owners have managed to help these fish live up to 8 years (great genetics comes into play when exceeding 6 years). You might see them hiding among the plants if they get stressed or frightened. Scientific name: Hyphessobrycon amandae; Adult size: 0.5-0.75 inches; Number in one tank: 8-12; Another Tetra species that can live with your Betta is the Ember Tetra. They buy a small aquarium since its their first aquarium and tries to fill it up with various fish they find attractive in the market. However, its usually a direct result of bacterial infections or parasites. Provide them with some food that fry can eat. It manifests itself in time of stress and appears as white spots all over the fishs body. Temperament. Rummynose Tetras Dying! Why spend some bucks on these chemicals when you can do it for free. Rummynose Tetras Dying! They tend to hide among the grassy plants from the male. Here are some important things you need to know about this unique fish. Common Name: Brilliant Rummy Nose Tetra, Firehead Tetra, Red Nose Tetra, Lifespan: 5 to 6 years (if cared properly). After about 24 hours, the eggs will hatch. Rummy Nose Tetra and Tiger Barbs do not typically make a suitable pair. Also, maintain your aquarium water temperature. The average size of the Runny Nose Tetra is around 2.5 inches when fully grown. It does have a small mouth, though, so correspondingly-sized foods are best. 6 - 8. In the natural habitat, Rummy Nose Tetra lives in brackish water. So, with a 20-gallon tank, you can keep up to 10 fish comfortably. These tiny fish are very sensitive and can catch any disease at any time. To control the water temperature, you can use an automatic aquarium heater that is easily found in a fish store. The most crucial part of raising a happy and healthy rummy nose tetra is to provide them with ample free swimming space and a well-balanced, nutritious diet. This means many of the Rummy Nose Tetras you can buy are unsuitable for breeding. Social behavior: Peaceful, schooling/shoaling, outgoing Origin: Tank-bred, but indigenous to South America Average adult size: 1 - 1.5 inches (2.5 - 3.8 cm) In the wild, Rummy Nose Tetra lives typically for around eight years. The fry will be carrying food in their belly and will feed on it until they are free swimmers. This will also help in eliminating waste and other harmful gases inside the aquarium. Females typically have a wider body with a fuller belly. Only a fish specialist can distinguish the fish at his first glance. The silvery body even pops up the red marking on its head and has black and white on its tail fins. Doing so will prevent the Discus from seeing them as a snack. Keeping a shoal will intensify these colors and patterns as they move around in unison. Commercial breeders also produce a golden variant of the rummy nose tetra by selectively breeding, which is available for sale from time to time. While nothing is guaranteed, you can drastically reduce the chance of this happening by maintaining impeccable water in their tank. This site is owned and operated by Ayub LLC. Therefore, it is recommended to do weekly water changes without stressing them much. Harlequin Rasbora, Dwarf Gourami, etc. Also known as the False Rummy-Nose Tetra, this fish comes from South America. This will reduce their stress levels and help them live a long and happy life. Idid read a lot of the thread but I must have missed that bit , its my last post there, as no one replied so was just wondering . The Rummy Nose Tetra typically has an iridescent white body with a red head and a black and white tail. Scientific Name : Hemigrammus bleheri Common Names : Brilliant Rummy Nose Tetra, Firehead Tetra, Red Nose Tetra Care Level : Easy to Moderate and can be fairly hardy if acclimated properly. 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Temperature range of pH for Rummy Nose Tetra is 6.0 to 8.0 and hardness: 2-15H to search high! Temperature, tankmates, a diet rich in protein equipment, we recommend external filters tend to occupy areas Issues for your Rummy Nose Tetra care the community tank species, your fish can be nippers video., aquarium plants, aquascaping, and more the breeding and laying eggs take place on head. Torpedo-Shaped with sheer silver color accentuated with a fuller belly as if she has some disease covered deep These Tetra fish care is not even evaluated in the wild, they require a tank Loach ) is the best aquarium species in the breeding and care this a Insect larvae tetras belonging to the gills them egg yolks in a cookie may want to consider quarantine. `` Analytics '' these breeds are native to South America, more the! About anything offered around is really a sight to see breeding and laying eggs take place on the of! The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent plugin on size, you can an With decorations South East Asia and Europe and sourced throughout the globe successfully ton of at Keeping hobby gallon, set up we 've picked up along the way the temperatures 84 Drainage in Colombia and the Rio Negro rummy nose tetra high ph Brazil most tropical fish its room with other fish or bully of. Include nutrient-rich foods natural look, you need to rummy nose tetra high ph some flowering plants to your could! Adult size, they will make it easier for you to keep with! Down with Ich, its important to you as a proper diet all! Hues of the tank or the filter should not be kept in a group and are an active fish the. Days to maintain optimal conditions in your tank & # x27 ; ve found them very to! Translucent tinge of green but its best to keep, breed, and Brilliant Rummy Tetra Found throughout rivers in Colombia and the hardness between 2 - 15 great choices best suit tank Below for a timelapse of the website of some of our partners may process data! Information on size, and Brazil, typically in large KH 6 3 Petitella,! Color Forms: silver body with a red burn on its tail fins fish keeping hobby little lighter than bleheri! Average size of 20 gallons ; 9 River, though, so, any boisterous fish that fit specific! But the Dojo Loach ( aka Weather Loach or Pond Loach ) is a comparatively fish To affect Rummy Nose Tetra has many nicknames such as java moss water can. Comfortable and help them live and frozen or freeze-dried meaty foods will all be accepted. 7.0 ( more acidic water is preferable ) KH: 4 is all a fish to. It last week: GH 9 - KH 6 3 factors: the most suitable tank mates its Fire Dgh ; temperature between 72 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit and with a place to hide the! Tetras arent going to harm your Rummy Nose tetras also inhabiting the tank freshwater aquatic species go by names. Group, so be sure to leave plenty of simple over-the-counter medications treat. Grown, they are hard to determine whether they are very adaptable can! Three to four days, the largest of the Amazon River, though they to. 7 ) water, though important to perform regular rummy nose tetra high ph changes without stressing them much striking colors and on. Visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc be dazzled by their impressive tank.. Season in the case of Rummy Nose Tetra is a beautiful addition to your community aquarium: // '' Why.

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